Chapter 16

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Yesterday was amazing, we kept dancing until we were out of breath. Around 2am we got back to the hotel and just fell asleep in each others arms. I remember that I was listening to his heartbeat before falling asleep.

The light from outside woke me up. I looked to my right and saw Dominic sleeping, he was so cute.

Just like yesterday I didn't want to wake him up so I slowly stepped out of the bed. I still didn't have my own clothes so I put on one of his joggers and a sweater. I slowly walked out of the room, but as soon as I did that I heard a voice.

"Stealing my clothes again?" I heard a sleepy Dominic behind me, I turned around. He rubbed his eyes while he was sitting up, exposing his chest. He looked so good.

He stepped out of the bed, he was in his boxers.  I was watching him walk towards me, he stopped a couple inches away from me. He leaned closer to me and started whispering in my ear.

"Like what you see?" His soft voice sent goosebumps all over my body. He pulled away so he could look at my reaction. I bit my lip and he started smirking.

He grabbed my hand and slowly put it on his chest, butterflies entered my stomach. He made me go crazy. He leaned closer and placed a long kiss on my forehead, and then he just walked away leaving me shocked.

He put on some pants, leaving his chest exposed. You can tell he likes teasing me. He walked towards me and held my hand. We walked out of the room together towards the living space.

Everyone was sitting on the couch watching tv. Suddenly I felt Dominic let go off my hand, I looked at him confused but he was smirking. He put his hands on my waist, it made me jump a little be eventually he started tickling me.

"Dominic stop!" I said through my laughs. He started laughing too. Everyone gave us weird looks but I didn't care. Dominic stopped tickling but he picked me up on his shoulder. I let out a little scream.

"Put me down!" I laughed while hitting his back and moving my legs up and down.

"No" He said in a cute voice and we walked towards the kitchen, what was happening. We approached the kitchen counter and he put me down on it. He gave me a goofy grin.

"What are you doing?" I laughed and gave him a smile.

"I don't know, you're laugh is just so cute" He blushed a little and made some cereal for us.

"You could've just told a joke, I almost peed my pants!" I chuckled and gave him a soft punch on his shoulder.

"Ey, don't punch me while I'm making breakfast for you" He grinned.

"Oh, why is that?" I smirked at him,

"Because I'll tickle you again!" He chuckled and started tickling me again.

"I'm serious Dominic I'm gonna pee!" I yelled while I couldn't stop laughing.

"Okay alright" Dominic stopped tickling me and had a huge smile on his face.

"Come on" He gave me a bowl of cereal and waved to me as a signal for me to follow him. We walked in the living room where everyone was still watching tv.

"There are the crazy love birds" Michael chuckled and was wiggling his eyebrows at us. I was blushing and Dominic gave him the finger.

Dominic sat down on the couch and I decided to sit next to him. He found a blanket that was lying on the ground and put it over us. I leaned against him and started eating my breakfast.

After we finished our breakfast I decided to take a shower. I made sure to lock the door so nobody could come in. After a couple minutes I was done showering, I put a towel around me that just covered everything. I walked back to my room to put on some clothes. I opened the door and saw Dominic sitting on the bed with a guitar.

"Dominic!?" I didn't expect him to be in his room so I got a little surprised.

"Oh wow- Uhm I'll leave" His head turned red like a tomato and he lightly bit his lip. He stood  up and left the room. I blushed a little.

I put on some of his clothes. Most of the stuff was to big but it was comfortable. After about 10 minutes I left the room. As I was walking to the living room I only saw Michael sitting on the couch. I sat next to him and he started talking.

"So.. what is going on between you and Dominic?" He asked, he sounded a little insecure.

"Well, I don't really know but he is giving me signs I guess" I blushed a little.

"Do you like him?" Michael asked.

"Yeah sure, he is nice and-" I got cut off by him.

"No but like like him" He was looking at me waiting for me to answer him.

"Uh.. I think I do" I blushed again.

"I think he likes you back" Michael winked at me and continued to watch tv. I wanted to ask him how he knew but I got cut off by the doorbell.

"I'll get it" I said to Michael and walked towards the door. I opened it and my eyes shot open.

What was he doing here? How did he know I was here? Why now? Why me? I started to feel so scared, I had no idea what to do so I just looked at him while tears started filling my eyes. Why was this happening?


Tysm for 6k reads! Also this chapter is so bad srry.

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