Chapter 24

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(Read a/n at the end for my update schedule)

1 day after Dominic left

Everthing was difficult since he left, eating, talking and basically everything else. I still had no idea why I was reacting like this.

I had a lot of time to take care of my mom and it was nice talking to her again. When Dominic was around I only spend time with him and not her, I should spend every second with her because I never know when our last conversation will be.

After trying to eat breakfast I slowly walked back into my room. I looked at my phone and opened instagram, the first picture was one posted by Dominic. It was of him, Adam, Michael and Ann. I felt tears forming in my eyes but I didn't let them go. I closed instagram and decided to text Dominic.

'Hey, how did your first show go?' I clicked send and layed down on my bed, I was waiting for him to respond. After staring at my celing for a couple minutes I finally got a text back.

'It was amazing, but what are you doing up so early?'

'Couldn't sleep'

'Me too'

'I miss you'

'I miss you more'

'No, I do'

'You know that's not true?'

'Clearly I don't'

'Wish you were here right now'

'Same, it sucks that I couldn't go with you' It took him awhile to respond.

'I'm so sorry but I have to go, talk to you later?'

'Oh okay'

I hated this, it just didn't feel the same when he was here. I had no idea what he was doing right now and I didn't know when he would text me again. I just had to hear his voice again but he probably was to busy doing whatever. Please let this end as soon as possible.

3 days after Dominic left

He didn't text or call yesterday, I tried texting him but he didn't respond. So I send him something again, it was 11pm but he probably was still awake.

'Hey, want to call?'

After what seemed like awhile he finally responded.

'Yeah sure'

I clicked the phone icon and it started ringing.

"Hello?" I said as soon as it stopped ringing.

"Hey" I got so happy when I heard him talk again.

"Why didn't you respond to my texts yesterday?" I asked him.

"Sorry, I was just really busy" He said.

"It's okay, how are you doing?" I was smiling so much, I was so happy.

"I'm doing fine and the rest is also great, how are you?" He replied, he sounded tired.

"I'm fine..." I paused, I definitly lied about that.

"But my mom is doing a little worse then before, but nothing to worry about" I continued.

"You sure she's fine? Let me know if anything happens" You could tell that he really cared.

"I will" I smiled a little.

"Y/N I'm super sorry but I have to do something really quick before I go to sleep, so
I have to go" He said and you could hear that he got a little upset.

"Oh, well let me know when you're online again" I said, I didn't want him to go.

"Ofcourse, bye" He said softly.

"Bye" I whispered in a sad tone and he hung up. I immediately felt a tear fall down my face, I needed him here.

7 days after Dominic left

It was now a week after he left, it was tough for me. I kind of adjusted back to life without Dominic but it was hard. Tommorow I would start working again, but for today I would just sit on my bed with his clothes on. He let me keep a sweater and a pair of joggers.

We haven't called after our last one but we did text a lot. It still felt really weird talking to him through a phone. After watching a bit of Netflix my phone started ringing, it was Dominic. I picked up as quick as possible and listened to his voice.

"Hey Y/N!" He sounded excited.

"Hello" I was smiling at his voice.

"I have a surprise for you" He said and I got confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I sent you a package today" You could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Wait what?" I was surprised by his words.

"Let me know what it arrives, Bye!!" He chuckled and hung up. I was so confused right now, but I guess I had to wait until it arrived.

11 days after Dominic left

Work was such a pain. Basically the only thing I had to do was take pictures, but the shifts were so long that I barely could get any sleep. Dominic was still on my mind all the time, he just won't get out.

We texted less but we still did it everyday but mostly it was just short conversations. It was around 10pm and I just got home from work, I let myself fall on my bed and looked around the room. But my eyes saw something that I totally forgot about, it was the pink bunny Dominic gave me on our last day.

Memories from that day came flooding back, I stood up and grabbed the stuffed animal from my dresser. I held it in my hands and got a big smile on my face while a small tear fell down my face. I forgot how much I actually missed him, how much I needed him here right now.
I just wanted to hug him again and hold him until we fell asleep.

While I was crying softly I heard my phone ring, I got excited and ran to my phone but it didn't show Dominic's name, just an unknown number. My smile dissapeared, I wiped away my tears and picked it up.

The voice on the other side began to speak and my whole body froze. I dropped the phone and let myself fall onto my knees. I was silently sobbing while I grabbed the pink bunny that was on the ground. I had no idea what to do right now, I needed Dominic. I needed him so bad.


Hope you guys enjoyed this bad chapter, but I tried. And since someone requested that I made an upload schedule, here it is:

I try to upload every other day and that's mostly around 11pm CEST or 1am CEST, for example today it's Sunday for me so I won't upload on monday but I will on Tuesday again (and so on). Sometimes I skip a day so if I don't upload on the day I'm supposed to, I'll have a chapter online the next day. Hope this made sense and that it helped some of you, if you have question and/or tips tell me anytime! <3

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