Chapter 15

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Dominic was gone for awhile now so I decided to go towards the bathrooms. I wasn't going inside ofcourse but maybe he was talking to someone? I approached the bathrooms and the sign says that they were for woman and men.

So I opened to door, there was this couple making out on the sink but- wait, is that Dominic!? My eyes widened and almost immediately got tears in my eyes. I felt betrayed, mad and sad, those are not a great combination of feelings.

Dominic looked at me in shock. I had to get out of here so I turned around and slammed the door. I had no idea where to go, I couldn't go back to the group because they would ask me what's wrong and I didn't feel like talking.

I also didn't want Dominic to find me but that was probably not going to happen because the club wasn't that big. Tears were still falling, people gave me weird looks but I didn't care. The loud music drove me insane so I decided to  go outside.

There were some people smoking outside but I ignored them. I leaned against a wall and sat down on the ground, I put my hand on my head and leaned on them. My hair was covering my face while I was thinking.

How could he do this to me? I mean he knew I kind of liked him right? I was just so angry at him. I sat there for a couple minutes until I heard someone say my name.

"Y/N!" His voice sounded like he was panicking. I looked up and saw Dominic standing there, he was out of breath.

"I'm so sorry" He said and walked over to me.

"How could you do this to me!?" I yelled and stood up. I looked at him with anger in my eyes.

"Y/N let me expl-" He said and put his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down. I cut him off.

"Dominic you hurt me!" I said and I let out a soft sob.

"You probably don't even care because you are to busy with all those girls falling for you" I pushed his hand off my shoulder and walked past him. But he stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"Wait, I didn't mean to hurt you just let me explain" He said and looked in my eyes.

"You're probably just gonna tell some bullshit story" I rolled my eyes and got lose from his grip. I started walking forwards, I had no idea where to go. I looked behind me to see Dominic run towards me.

"Y/N please let me explain" He said and walked next to me.

"I saw what happend so there is nothing to explain!" I yelled at him, I just felt so betrayed even though we didn't had anything going on it still hurt.

"Yes there is" His voice was soft.

"Okay fine, tell me what happend" I stopped walking and crossed my arms. I looked at him with anger still written over my face.

"The girl, she was drunk and I tried to stop her but when you walked in she started kissing me. Ofcourse I didn't kiss back and I tried to push her away from me" Dominic looked at me hoping I would believe it.

"I don't believe it" I said while still giving him the same look.

"Why? I'm telling the truth!" I could tell he was getting a little frustrated.

"Because you are a boy, and they wouldn't try to stop a girl kissing them!" I yelled again.

"But I did and it's because I like someone already" His voice was soft again and I felt jealous because of his words.

"Oh.. who?" Whoever this person was I was going to kill them.

"...You" He looked in my eyes and gave me a little smile.

A smile creeped on my face and I was lost into the moment. I forgot what we were talking about and wasn't angry anymore. The only thing I did know was that I wanted him. Our faces leaned closer together and-

"Hey! What are you guys doing here!?" Adam walked over to us while lighting a cigarette.

"Uhm.. Just talking" I said awkwardly and looked at my shoes.

"Well I just came out here because the song they were playing was so bad my ears started bleeding" Adam chuckled and looked a little drunk.

"Well we were just going back inside" Dominic said and grabbed my hand so I would follow him. We walked towards the bar and Dominic bought us some more shots.

"Come on" He randomly said and pulled me onto the dance floor.

"No, Dominic please" I said and tried my best to turn around and walk back to the bar, but I failed.

"It's gonna be fun" He smiled at me and we were standing on the dance floor.

"Okay, fine" I rolled my eyes and started to dance. I didn't move much because I didn't want to embarrass myself.

But that changed really fast. Dominic grabbed my hands and started shaking them while he was jumping to the beat.

Eventually I started to join in, we were now both jumping around the room. We were laughing so much. He really made my life so much happier.

After the song we had to catch our breath. A slow song started playing in the background, Dominic held out his hand and I took it. We were slowdancing together.

I had this huge smile on my face while I looked at him, Dominic had a smirk on his face and couldn't keep his eyes off of me. At this moment I knew that I had fallen in love with Dominic Harrison.


This is kind of a short chapter but hope you guys enjoyed <3

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