Chapter 9

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We sat down on the blanket and he got some food from the basket he brought. M&M's, bread, popcorn, apples, and some juice. It sure was a weird combination.

"Couldn't decide what to bring?" I laughed.

"I wasn't sure what you liked so I just brought some random stuff" He said while pouring the juice in small cups.

He gave me a cup and looked at me for a second but quickly looked away. We just stared at the water while the sun was almost setting. After we finished our drink Dominic began to speak.

"Hey, I noticed your mom looked a little weak is she alright?" Dominic asked while looking at me waiting for my answer. I didn't really tell people about my mom because I don't feel comfortable talking about it. But for some reason it felt right telling him.

"Well no, she has been like this for a couple months" I felt tears coming up, I hoped he wouldn't notice.

"Oh? What happened?" He asked concerned, you could tell that he really cared and that made me feel so safe.

"She got sick and at first it looked like a cold but after a while she still felt terrible, so she went to the doctor. They told her to take pills and if it still wasn't gone after a week she had to come back" I looked down and I almost let some tears escape. I guess he knew that it was hard for me to talk about because I felt his arm around my shoulder.

"So she took those pills and she didn't get any better, she went back to the doctor and they couldn't figure out what was wrong so they took her to the hospital. She had to stay there for a couple days so the doctors could do some tests on her" My voice broke a couple times while talking and Dominic pulled me a little closer to him. I didn't want to continue because it hurt so much but Dominic made is so much easier.

"Some days later she got her results back, and the doctors were not sure what it was but they did find out that she had amnesia, but it wasn't really developed yet. And uhm.." My voice broke and tears were falling down my face.

"It's alright, I'm here, just let it out" Dominic said and held me really close to him, my head was on his chest and his on my shoulder. His arms were wrapped around my waist and he pulled me onto his lap. I let out a couple more tears and continued my story while looking Dominic in the eye.

"They also told her she only had a-" I let out another sob, and Dominic wiped away my tears with his thumb.

"She only had a couple months left" My eyes were crying rivers, it hurt so much saying it out loud.

"I'm so sorry Y/N" He hugged me tightly and rubbed my back while I cried into his chest. We stayed like this for a couple minutes while I calmed down.

"Dominic I'm so scared of losing her" My voice broke again while I looked into his and saw pity in them.

"I know you are, but you will get through this, everything is going to be alright and I want to be there to help you" He put both his hands on my cheeks and wiped away some more tears.

"Thank you" I gave him a long hug.

"I'm sorry I ruined this whole thing" I said and laughed through my tears.

"You didn't ruin it at all, but I have something else to show you" I nodded and we cleaned everything up. Once we packed everything Dominic grabbed my hand and we walked to the car together.

We didn't talk while he was driving, but Dominic looked at me once in a while to check if I was still doing alright. I was a little surprised that I talked to him about my mom, even Ann doesn't know the whole story and I told her a lot of things.

After 10 minutes we arrived, we were ontop of a hill. I've never seen this place even though I have been living here for my whole life. The view was amazing, you could see part of the city and the beach in the background.

"Where are we I've never seen this place?" I asked.

"Really? Since we are not touring for a couple days I was exploring the city and found this place" Dominic said a smiled at me but his expression quickly turned into a confused look. I looked down and had the word sad written across my face.

"What's wrong" He asked while putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Well you're going back on tour in a couple days which means I probably won't be able to see you for a long time" I looked into his eyes and almost started crying again, I couldn't lose him to.

"Why don't you come on tour with us? Yeah, we have a spare bed in our bus" He said happily. I got really excited but then realized something.

"I can't, I have to be here for my mom and I have work" I said with a sad tone. Dominic moved his hand from my shoulder and placed it in my hand.

"It's alright, these next days are going to be days that we both will never forget. We are gonna do fun things together and with the group, it's going to be amazing" He smiled and squeezed my hand softly.

"But I don't wanna lose you" I said.

"You won't, I promise that I will call every day" He smiled.

"But what if we will never see each other again?" I was so scared of losing him.

"We will, I will try everything to see you as soon as possible" He promised.

"Now let's get out of this car and lets life these last 5 days as if they are our last" He smiled and we got out of the car.

We walked to the edge off the hill and sat down while watching the sun go down into the sea. I was holding his hand and my head was on his shoulder and his was leaning on my head. This moment was perfect, I couldn't stop smiling.



Srry that this is such a short chapter but again I'm trying my best to upload a chapter every day but I'm going to be busy with school next week so idk if I will upload as much. Hope you guys still enjoy this shitty story. :))

(Also the parents music video is so good I can't stop watching)

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