Chapter 45

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"Michael!" I yelled as I was running through the hallway backstage, I had to find him.

"Michael, where are you!?" I yelled a little louder and turned a corner but then bumped in to someone. I almost fell to the ground but I put my hand on the wall for balance.

"Woah! Careful there wh-" A familiar voice said but stopped talking, I looked up and saw that it was Adam. He gave me a worried and confused look.

"What happened to your face!?" His voice sounded worried and I could see his eyes scan my face.

"Oh, it's nothing" I sighed and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Nothing? Y/N you have a big bruise on your nose!" He threw his hands in the air.

"Adam I'm fine" I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Who did this to you?" He lowered his voice.

"Doesn't matter" I said and looked at the ground

"Y/N" He sighed and looked me in the eyes.

"Okay fine, it was Victoria" I said in a quiet tone and looked at my shoes.

"What!? That bitch!" He yelled loudly which made me flinch a little.

"That's what I said" I chuckled quietly.

"What?" He said and looked confused.

"Nevermind, uhm... have you seen Michael?" I sighed and waited for his answer.

"Yeah he's at the bus" Adam replied.

"Okay thanks, see you later" I gave him a smile and slowly started walking away.

"See ya" I heard him say behind me.

I slowly made my way over to our bus, I had to tell Michael the information I got when I heard Victoria talk on the phone. I still had no idea what it meant, and what plan did she talk about?

I took a different exit then normal so I had to walk past the entrance of the venue to get to the bus. To my surprise there was already a line of about 100 people. I thought I would be able to walk past them like a normal person but then I heard someone say something to me.

"Hey!" A girl yelled, I turned my head to see a blond haired girl standing there.

"Are you the girl who kissed Dominic!?" She asked and looked kind of angry, I just gave her a confused look.

"Wha- I Uh" I stuttered, what was happening? Since when did his fans know who I was and that I even kissed him? Besides that was a year ago.

"I already thought so" She had a grin on her face.

"Whore" She said in a cold tone while looking at me with anger, what the hell?"

"Excuse me!?" I yelled at her, a couple people around her started to look at me.

"You heard me right..." She said and looked at her friends, they gave her a smile.

"Yeah whore!" Someone else said somewhere in the line and in no time people were screaming stuff at me.

I was so confused and for some reason I felt hurt. I felt tears in my eyes, what was going on? How could anyone know about Dominic and I?

I turned around and basically ran away as fast as I could. I had to get out of here, I didn't know why but this broke me into pieces.

After turning a couple corners I finally arrived at the tour bus. I slammed to door open and let out a sob as I threw the door shut. I started walking towards my bunk.

"Y/N?" A voice said, my body stiffed up and I slowly turned around. Dominic was sitting there with a worried look on his face.

"Dominic... hey" I said awkwardly as I wiped away the tears from my eyes, but new ones would appear slowly.

"What happened?" He asked concerned while putting his phone down and standing up.

"Nothing" I said quietly and looked at the ground.

"It doesn't look like nothing" Dominic said and slowly started walking towards me.

"Come here" He whispered and carefully pulled me in to a hug, he held me tightly as I quietly sobbed into chest. His arms wrapped around my waist and his head on my shoulder. We stood there for a bit, I tried to focus on his heartbeat so I would calm down.

Eventually Dominic pulled away as I almost completly calmed down. He gave me a little smile and wiped away some of my tears with his thumb. He took my hand and dragged me with him to one of the couches.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice while still holding onto my hand.

"I don't know" I looked at the floor.

"Will you tell me what happened?" He asked carefully.

"Yes, but it's gonna sound weird and you maybe are not gonna believe it" I looked at him and he was just looking curious.

"Okay?" He said and waited for me to tell him what happened.

"So I was walking to the bus because I had to find Michael, and I took another exit which caused me to walk past the line in front of the venue" I looked at the floor, I was still trying to think why people said those things about me.

"And then a fan of yours called me something..." I cleared my throat.

"She called me a uhm... whore" I sighed.

"What!?" Dominic interrupted and almost jumped off the couch.

"And they said that because I kissed you? I'm still super confused... and eventually everyone started screaming things at me" I said quietly and looked at the floor.

"Wait what? How could they possible know that?" Dominic said in a confused tone.

"I don't know" I said while staring into space.

"I'm gonna check my social media" He said quickly and grabbed his phone, he typed some things and then finally his expression turned surprised.

"Look at this" He said and handed me his phone. There was the picture of me and Dominic after our first kiss on the hill, what the f#ck? I read the caption and it said: 'This girl on the left kissed Dominic recently, and she knew he had a girlfriend. What a whore! Dominic shouldn't be treated this way, let's share this around so we could bring awareness to people like her!'

"Who posted this? This is such bullshit!" I yelled and anger rushed through my body.

"I have no idea, I'll send out a message that it's fake news because apperently it's all over social media" Dominic sighed and got ready to record a video for instagram.

"Great" I sighed and looked at the floor. A couple second later I jumped up from the couch.

"I gotta find Michael I'll be right back!" I basically yelled, I didn't wait for Dominic's response and I ran out of the bus becuase Michael was nowhere to be found. I knew who put that picture out, I had to tell Michael everything!


Kind short chapter but I just don't have a lot of time to write because of school and that stuff. I probably already said that a thousand times but oh well.

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