Chapter 12

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I got awoken by the light shining through the curtains, I opened my eyes. I was confused because I didn't recognize the room but then I remembered last night. I looked to my right and saw Dominic sleeping peacefully, I smiled.

I was hungry and wanted to make myself some breakfast, I didn't want Dominic to wake up so I slowly loosened from his grip and got out of bed.

I didn't bring any clothes so I decided to look in his closet. There were a couple sweaters hanging in it so I took one and put it on, I also found a pair of his joggers. The clothes smelled like him, the scent was a mixture of cologne and vanilla.

I tried to exit the room as quiet as possible but failed, I tripped over his suitcase and made a loud noise when I hit the ground. Dominic definitely heard it because he was now sitting up on the bed.

"Hello? What was that?" He looked confused but then made eye contact with me and calmed down.

"Don't worry it's just me" I laughed and got up.

"Are you hurt, love?" He said in his low morning voice, not gonna lie it was hot. I blushed at the nickname he gave me.

"No, I'm fine I was just going to get breakfast" I smiled and walked to the door.

"Alright I'll be right there... Also don't steal my clothes without asking me first" He smiled and pointed at me.

"But they're comfy" I whined.

"Okay fine, this one time" He rolled his eyes and gave me a small smirk. I walked out of his room and made my way to the kitchen. I noticed Adam sitting on the couch.

"Good morning" I said to Adam and he replied. I continued walking to the kitchen and got a bowl out of a cabinet. I also made myself some tea.

"Did Ann stay over or did she go home?" I asked raising my voice a little so he would hear me. I poured the milk in my cereal and walked to the living room where Adam was.

"She stayed" Adam blushed and looked at the floor, I knew exactly what was going on.

"Did you guys..?" I asked unsure. Adam got a red color and shrugged his shoulders.

"You did! sneaky.." I said and took a sip from my tea.

"Shut up" Adam looked at me and rolled his eyes, I laughed at him.

"I see you got cozy yourself" He said and was pointing to my clothes.

"It's not what you think, nothing happened" I blushed even though nothing did happen.

"If you say so" Adam smirked and got on his phone.

I finished my breakfast and also got on my phone. A couple minutes later Dominic walked in with wet hair and almost the same clothes as mine.

"Hey, we're twinning!" I laughed and looked at our clothes. He laughed at me and also made a bowl of cereal.

Dominic made his way over to the couch and sat next to me. I took this as an opportunity to put my legs on his lap.

"What are you doing?" He asked while smiling at me.

"Getting comfortable" I said.

"You're so weird" He laughed and booped my nose.

"Hey!" I chuckled and booped his nose. He did it to me again and that went on for awhile until we were practically ontop of each other and almost falling of the couch, laugher filled the room. Adam had left, he probably thought we were some weirdos. I wouldn't blame him if he did.

We fell of the couch and we were laying on the ground, I was under him and he above me. I could feel his breath onto my skin and he looked in my eyes. The only thing I could focus on was him. He slowly leaned in and-

'Whoa!" Ann almost yelled while she gasped. Dominic and I got up really fast and sat on the couch. I cleared my throat acting like nothing happened. I looked at the floor and was blushing, I probably looked like a tomato.

"I'm glad I walked in before it got worse and hell broke loose" She still had a shocked expression on her face and walked to the kitchen.

There was now an awkward silence between Dominic and I, we looked at each other and blushed. I quickly looked away and the long silence got interrupted my Michael.

"Hey guys! Good morning" He said happily as he sat down between us.

"I'm gonna go uhm.. change" Dominic said awkwardly while walking to his room. Michael gave him a confused look but decided to ignore it.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened last night?" Michael asked me while he shoved closer to me.

"It was nothing" I looked at him and gave him a fake smile.

"Are you sure? Because it didn't seem like it was nothing" He looked at me waiting for me to answer.

"Mickey, I'm fine" I said in an angry tone, I didn't mean to sound like that.

"I'm just trying to help, I'm concerned about you" He said in a sweet voice.

"Okay fine" I agreed to tell him.

"The person who called was my ex, we didn't end well and he hurt me. I'm just scared that he will find me and hurts me again" I was scared for his reaction so I looked at the floor.

"I'm sorry Y/N" He said and pulled me into a quick hug.

"I don't know what happend but if he tries to do anything to you, me and the boys will help you" He made sure I was looking at him and he gave me a smile.

"Thanks" I smiled and grabbed my tea from the table because my hands started getting cold.

Michael was on his phone and I was just staring at the wall. It really meant a lot to me that everyone cared so much about me. When I was young the only person that would care about me was my mom.

"Hey Y/N?" Dominic walked back into the living room and stood next to the tv.

"Yeah? What is it?" I asked.

"I know it's early but what do you say you and I go to Starbucks?" He asked and smiled at me.

"Sure! Let me change first" I said excited and stood up to get to his room.

"Hey I wanna go too!" Adam said while walking to Dominic and we all just laughed at him.

"Next time, mate" Dominic patted his shoulder and Adam put on a sad face but chuckled after.


Tysm for all the support I've been getting on this story it rlly means a lot to me. The reads, the votes and the comments <3 If I didn't have the support from you guys I probably wouldn't be motivated to write anymore so keep it up! :))

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