Chapter 13

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Dominic and I stood in the elevator, we didn't talk it was kind of an awkward silence. Probably because of what almost happened when Ann walked in. I was imagining what would have happened if she didn't walk in. Would it have ruined our friendship with each other?

The elevator stopped and we walked out, I put on Google Maps because I wasn't familiar with this area of the city. I searched for the most nearby Starbucks, we were struggling because we didn't know in which direction we had to go.

"No look we have to go this way" Dominic grabbed my phone and faced the other way.

"No we don't because if you rotate, the arrow is pointing that way" I grabbed my phone from his hands again and we both looked confused.

"Okay I don't know who designed this app but they sure wanted us to have a hard time" Dominic chuckled.

"Let's just go that way" I said and pointed to my right.

"If you say so, but if we are going the wrong way you're gonna get it later" Dominic smirked and we started walking.

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do to me?" I chuckled.

"Maybe I'll tickle you until you pee" He smirked and we turned a corner.

"No you're not" I smiled.

"What do you mean?" He looked confused but then I pointed across the street.

"You lucky bastard" He stared me in the eyes and I started skipping towards the Starbucks. I had a huge smile on my face and I heard Dominic laugh behind me. I almost reached the shop but I heard someone run towards me. I felt arms around my waist and got spun around, I let out a weird scream and we both laughed.

"Not so fast" Dominic put me down and had a huge smile on his face, we were only a couple inches apart. We were standing in the middle of sidewalk and a couple people bumped into us but I didn't care. I felt like this moment lasted forever but Dominic broke the 'moment'.

"Uhh.. We should get inside" He stepped away from me and afford me his hand. I was a little unsure about holding hands in public because what if someone recognizes him? You know what who cares. I grabbed his hand and we walked into the Starbucks, I smiled at him. We walked to a table next to the window and sat down.

"Just wait here, I'll get us something" Dominic smiled and left to order, but I grabbed him by his sleeve.

"How do you know what I want?" I asked him.

"Just let me surprise you" He smiled at me and walked away before I could answer.

"Alright" I whispered to myself. I was just staring of in the distance waiting for him to come back. After a couple minutes of waiting Dominic came back.

"Here is your breakfast" He said happily and put a breakfast sandwich in front of me with some coffee.

"Thank you" I smiled and started eating the food.

"It's weird I never asked you this but what do you do for work?" He asked while stuffing his mouth full with food.

"Well, I do photography" I replied.

"Oh, what kind of photos do you make?" He asked.

"I take all kinds of photos, nature, fashion, portraits and I even shot at some concerts. After I edit them I try to sell my work" I smiled, normally people wouldn't be so interested in my work.

"Wow, that's amazing maybe you could take photos for us sometime?" He asked while smiling.

"Yeah maybe I could" I smiled back at him, I really hope we wouldn't lose contact when he is gone. We finished our meal and got ready to leave but someone interrupted us.

"Are you yungblud?" A nervous girl stood next to our table looking at Dominic.

'"Yeah that's me" He smiled at the girl and got excited.

"Can I get a picture?" She asked nervously and Dominic stood up.

"Yes, of course you can!" He was still smiling at her and the girl pulled her phone out of her pocket. Dominic put out his tongue and made a rock sign with his hand and the girl put her arm around him. For some reason that made me jealous.

"Thank you so much!" The girl said and was still smiling.

"No problem, I always love meeting fans" He said and gave the girl a hug, that also made me feel jealous what was wrong with me.

"Well I have to go my mom is waiting for me" She said and said goodbye to Dominic. She walked outside and we got ready to leave again.

"I love my fans so much" He said while we walked out of the shop.

"I can tell, and they seem to love you to" I smiled. After a couple minutes of walking I felt Dominic grab my hand, I started blushing. Dominic noticed.

"You're so cute when you blush" He said while looking at my and it got me blushing even more.

"I'm not, I'm ugly" I said and tried to hide my face by looking at the ground. Dominic stopped walking and he put his finger under my chin so I was looking at him.

"Don't ever say that again, you're so beautiful it's such a shame that you don't see that" I got butterflies in my stomach. His voice was low and sweet, his words meant so much to me.

"You really mean that?" I asked. We were standing on the sidewalk but again I didn't care.

"Why would I lie about that?" He smiled and his hand was now on my cheek.

"I don't know, normally nobody tells me those things" I replied and looked in his eyes.

"Well from now on, I'll remind you everyday how beautiful you are" He smiled and stroked my cheek with his thumb. Once again we were only inches apart, just like this morning when Ann walked in. The same thing happened and our-

"I'm so sorry!" Someone bumped into us what almost caused me to fall but luckily Dominic held my hand.

"Oh my god! You're yungblud!" The girl almost screamed and got her phone out immediately.

"Can I get a picture?" She asked with a big smile on her face.

"Of course" Dominic smiled but I could tell he was a little irritated. Dominic did his rock sign again while the girl took the picture.

"Thank you!" The girl smiled and said goodbye to Dominic, it looked like she was in a hurry.

Dominic and I just started at each other awkwardly and gave each other a little smile. We continued to walk back to the hotel. Once we got in the elevator the long silence was broken again.

"Y/N?" He said.

"Yeah?" I replied while the elevator doors closed.

"Do you want to go to a club tonight? Adam, Michael and I already had it planned but I figured why not ask you? Ann is also welcome to come" He asked and gave me a smile.

"Sure, why not!" I got excited, I haven't been to a club in a long time and I'm sure Ann would enjoy it very much. The doors opened and we walked towards the room. We got in the room and saw Ann and Adam making out on the couch.

"Eww you guys!" I yelled and laughed at them, they just blushed and looked at the floor. I heard Dominic chuckle beside me. He walked over to me and placed a small kiss on my forehead, he smiled and just walked away leaving me surprised.


This is such a bad chapter but anyway are any of you guys seeing Dominic in the US these next couple months? I'll be seeing him in October 2 days in a row but then in Amsterdam. I have already seen Dom twice but have never met him, I rlly want to try at his next shows. I'm so excited!

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