Chapter 22

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The dinner was fantastic and we all had a great time. When we finished I suddenly felt really tired so I decided to get ready for bed, Dominic did the same thing. I got into my sleeping clothes and slid under the covers of the cozy bed. A few minutes later Dominic walked into the room and also got in the bed.

"Our last night together" He said in a soft voice and I stared into the distance.

"I just can't believe that your leaving tommorow" I whispered, Dominic put his arm around my shoulders and I laid my head on his chest.

"I know, I wish I could stay here with you" You could hear in his voice that he was sad.

"Me too" I whispered and got closer to him.

"Meeting you guys was the best thing that has ever happend to me" I said and looked at him.

"Saving you was the best thing I ever did" He smiled at me, he made me feel so safe. There was a long silence but Dominic and I just held each other while staring at the wall.

"At what time are you guys leaving again?" I broke the silence.

"Around 6am" He looked down at me.

"Oh, so we don't have any time together in the morning?" I said but it sounded more like a question.

"No, I guess not" He replied and made circles with his thumb on my back.

"I wish we had though" Dominic said and layed his head on mine. I sighed and looked up at him, I slowly leaned closer and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. When I pulled away we had big smiles on our faces.

"Goodnight" I said and layed back down on his chest.

"Goodnight, love" He placed a kiss on the back of my head and I slowly closed my eyes. I actually didn't want to sleep because in the morning he would be gone, but I was super tired.


The bright light shining through the curtains woke me up. I opened my eyes and when they had adjusted to the light I looked to my right. Dominic was already awake and he was just smiling at me.

"What?" I smiled and layed on my side so I was facing him.

"You look so cute when you're sleeping" He had a grin on his face.

"No I don't" I rolled my eyes, Dominic chuckled softly.

"Yes you are" He said and placed a kiss on my lips.

"I'll go change really quick" He got out of the bed, grabbed some clothes and walked towards the bathroom. I also decided to get ready so I got some of his clothes and changed into them. Just before Dominic got back I checked the time, I immediately got into a little panic.

"Dominic!?" I yelled and he came walking into the room.

"Yeah?" He said while he was putting on a shirt.

"You know it's 5:30 right?" I just realised we only had half an hour together. I sat down on the bed as a tear escaped my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Dominic walked towards me and held my hand.

"In 30 minutes you're gone" My voice was quiet.

"You're right" He whispered and sat next to me, we were both looking at the floor.

"But you know it's gonna be fine right?" He looked at me and gave me a little smile.

"I know, but it will be so different without you" I said, and Dominic placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

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