Chapter 8

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After we held each other yesterday we walked hand in hand through the park, we mostly didn't talk but it wasn't an awkward silent. That evening everything felt so right as if this moment was about to change my life. It was still a little weird that we don't really know each other and I basically know nothing about him besides his name and that he has a band.

I decided to get dressed since I was still in my sleeping clothes. I was expecting a call from Dominic, since he told me that he would call in the afternoon because he had a surprise for me. While I was putting on my shirt I heard my phone ring. I ran as fast as I could and almost tripped over some lost clothes on the floor, I probably looked like an idiot.

"Good afternoon sunshine" Dominic said through the phone in an excited tone.

"Good afternoon" I said with a big smile on my face.

"So can I know the surprise?" I asked.

"No not yet but I'll pick you up in an hour if that's alright?" He asked.

"Yeah that's fine" I replied

"Great! Oh and you maybe want put on your swim suit?" He said but it sounded like he was feeling a little awkward.

"Oh and what's that for?" I asked with a sneaky voice trying to figure out what the surprise is.

"You'll find out" He whispered and hung up the phone, I laughed to myself what a weirdo.

I finished getting ready and talked to my mom for awhile. I told her all about last night, we almost tell each other everything. She told me that he sounded like a nice guy and asked me when I would meet up with him because she still wants to thank him.

"Well he is actually supposed to be here right now" I said and her face lit up.

The doorbell rang

"That should be him" I said to her and walked to the door. Before I opened it I checked if my hair was alright in the mirror. Why I did that, I had no clue normally I wouldn't care how I looked. I opened the door and saw a smiling Dominic standing at the door with a rose in his hands.

"Hey!" We both said in sync and hugged each other. When we pulled away from the hug I almost got lost in his eyes again but Dominic's voice shook me out of it.

"This is for you" He said in a sweet voice and handed me the rose.

"Thanks, how did you know this was my favorite flower?" I said smiling like an idiot.

"I just guessed" He smiled. Our eyes met again but we got interrupted very quickly.

"Is that him?" I heard my mom yell from the living room.

"Him?" Dominic said and looked at me with a smirk.

"So you've been talking about me?" Dominic teased.

"Shush" I said and punched his arm softly and chuckled.

"Yes it's him" I yelled back and looked behind me to see Dominic smirking.

We both walked into the living room and my moms face lit up when she saw Dominic.

"Hi, I'm Y/N's mom" She said and shook his hand.

"Dominic" He replied and we sat next to my mom since she had struggles with standing for a long time. My mom looked Dominic in the eyes and started to thank him.

"I just want to say thank you for saving my baby, if it wasn't for you god knows what would have happened to her. I can already tell you're a good guy and would make Y/N very happy" After she said that I found myself blushing a little.

"I'm glad I was there to help her" He said and was now looking at me giving me a smile.

"But you kids run along now and have fun" She said and gave use both a smile, I was so glad I had her in my life.

Dominic and I walked to the door and said goodbye to my mom. We walked down to the parking lot and got in his car.

"So do you finally wanna tell me where we are going?" I asked while Dominic drove away from my house.

"Nope" He said with a smirk.

"What do you mean nope?" I asked him.

"Well, it's a surprise so I can't tell you" He replied and looked at me for a second.

"But we're already on our way, please Dominic" I begged and looked at him with my puppy eyes.

"One, you will just have to wait, two those eyes are not going to work on me" He replied.

"Fine I'll wait" I said and crossed my arms like a little kid.

"You're so cute" Dominic blurted out and he realized what he had said, he looked down and blushed a little. It made me blush like crazy.

The rest of the car ride was just silence, but the good kind of silence, just like yesterday. Sometimes I caught him looking at me and me at him. I didn't really know what was going on between us but it felt right.

"Were here!" Dominic said and broke the silence. We were driving for about 30 minutes. I looked up from my shoes and saw water and sand in front of me.

"The beach!" I almost yelled and I suddenly got really excited.

"You like it?" He asked and looked at me with a smile.

"Yes! I love the beach, now let's get out of this stinky car" I was so excited, I haven't been at the beach in such a long time even though it was my favourite place on earth.

"Hey don't you dare call my car stinky!" He said and pointed at me with a fake angry expression on his face. He laughed.

"Come on" He said and we got out of the car. He walked over to the trunk and pulled out a blanket and a basket. I'm guessing there was food in it.

We walked onto the beach and put down our stuff. I got out of my clothes so my body with my swimming suit was revealed. I could see him looking at me and I blushed slightly. He also got his shirt off and his body was revealed, and just like he did to I checked him out.

"You like what you're seeing?" Dominic smiled and I just looked at the floor and blushed again.

"The last one who reaches the water is a shit head!" Dominic randomly yelled and started running towards the water and I followed him as quickly as possible.

"That's not fair!" I yelled behind him still running towards the water and laughed.

Ofcourse Dominic was the first one in the water and a couple seconds later I ran in. We were now in the water about waist height. I looked at Dominic and started splashing water at him.

"Oh now you're gonna get it" He said while smiling like a little boy.

He splashed water at me and I back at him, we were both laughing like crazy. We continued to do this until we were soacked, my hair looked like a mess.

He suddenly stopped and walked over to me, he picked me up by my waist and threw me over his shoulder, it caught my by surprise because I made the most weird sound and he just laughed at me.

We approached the sand and he put me down in it and pushed me over. There was now sand all over my body, he is so going to get it.

"You shouldn't have done that" I had and evil but playful smile on my face and laughed a little.

I chased him around the beach trying to throw sand at him and when he slowed down I jumped on his back. He didn't expect that and lost his balance and we fell onto the ground. We both made a little sound and laughed our ass off when we were laying on the sand.

I was laying on top of him and he under me, I blushed and he just looked into my eyes. We stayed like that for a couple seconds but he broke the silence.

"Come on let's go eat some food" He said and picked me up, he held my hand as we walked back to the blanket. I was smiling like crazy, I was so happy.

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