Chapter 26

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17  days after Dominic left

Today Ann and I would meet up, she just came back from touring with the guys. I was still jealous of her. She just texted me she was at a coffee shop a couple blocks away, so I got ready to leave.

I grabbed my purse and hugged my mom goodbye. I closed the door and started walking towards the place Ann and I would be meeting up. As soon as I wanted to turn a corner I felt a hand grab my wrist, I looked to my right and my eyes got wide. I started to panic and my heartbeat got quicker.

"We really have to talk" The person said and dragged me with him.

"Mike please let me go!" I begged him and tried to pull away from him, but I failed. He didn't respond to me and he just kept dragging me.

We turned a corner and walked inside a building and up some stairs, it looked familiar and when we walked into a room I knew where we were. His apartment, he locked the door.

"Why did you ignore my call?" He said as he pushed me against the kitchen counter and laid a finger on my cheek.

"You know what happened last time" He had a little grin on his face, I was feeling so uncomfortable.

"Mike please" I whispered, his face was really close to mine now.

"I just wanted to get things back to normal" He said and laid his hand around my neck.

"But since you don't want that I'll just have to force you" He was smirking, and I just wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.

"Please stop" I tried to push him away from me but that made him get closer.

"You don't want this to happen again do you?" He grabbed my wrist and traced the scar, I hated this so much.

"No" I whispered really soft, it basically just sounded like a sound was escaping from my mouth. I was so scared and I needed Dominic right now.

"You'll just have to listen to me then" He grabbed my hands and placed them on his shoulders.

"And your 'boyfriend' won't be here to safe you this time" He said with a grin on his face. He put his hands on my hips and I tried to get away, but he didn't let me. He leaned closer to me and started kissing my neck, he gave me hickeys but they hurt really bad.

"Stop" I whispered, I felt a tear fall down my face. He looked up at me.

"Aww, is my little princess crying" He said in an evil tone and smirked at me.

"Mike" I said softly and tried to get away again.

"Not so fast" He leaned closer to me again and this time he kissed my lips, of course I didn't kiss back. I felt so disgusted. After a couple seconds he stopped and I had tears in my eyes, so many memories came back and I hated it.

"Kiss. Back" He said irritated and leaned closer to me again, but I couldn't take this anymore. I placed my feet between his legs and pulled my knee up. He let go off me and let out a groan. I took this as a change to grab his keys and unlock the door.

"You bitch!" He said in a weak voice and tried to catch me before I walked out. He almost grabbed my wrist but I slammed the door in his face and ran away, tears were falling down my face and I was terrified. I wanted Dominic right now, but he was gone.

I approached my house and ran inside, I quickly closed the door and walked over to the bathroom. I saw my mom sleeping on the couch, luckily she didn't see me like this.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I was a mess. My makeup was ruined and my tears looked like a river. I decided to do something, something I would definitely regret doing. I grabbed a razor blade and filled my bathtub with warm water.

After it filled up I got in and took the razor blade with me. I looked at my arm with the scar on it and let out a soft sob. I felt scared but right now this felt like the only option I had, but deep down I knew it wasn't. I got myself ready and put the razor blade on my skin, I softly cut into my skin, I tried not to make it deep but blood was still flooding out.

I hurted so much, I regretted this and I hated myself for doing. I was looking at the mess I made and I let out a sob, what did I do? My phone was laying next to me so I decided to call someone because he was the only one that could cure me. When he picked up I was still crying and he definitely heard that.

"Y/N, why are you crying?" He asked concerned.

"I m-made a mistake" I said through sobs.

"What did you do?" He asked while I heard him closing a door.

"Remember that scar on my wrist?" I said softly.

"Yes?" He sounded confused.

"I-I made another one next to it" I whispered and looked down at my wrist.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" He asked, it sounded like he cared so much.

"No" I whispered again.

"I'm coming over right now, I don't care if I have to cancel shows, you're in pain and you need help" He said while I heard him walking around.

"You really don't-" He cut me off.

"Y/N, you're hurt and something is definitely going on, I wan't to make sure you're okay and I can't do that from here" He said concerned.

"Fine" I asnwered softly while I was still crying, I knew there was no point in arguing.

"Okay so find something to wrap your cut with and I'll be there in a couple hours" He said and I heard him zip something.

"Wait are you already packed?" I asked surprised.

"Yes" He said softly and I heard a smirk in his voice.

"But I have to catch a plane now and promise me you'll find something for your cut?" He asked as I heard him close another door.

"I promise, let me know when you get here so I can pick you up" I said, I was still crying a little but Dominic's voice helped me calm down.

"Sure, see you soon!" He said and hung up after I didn't respond. I was actually happy Dominic came to help me, I missed him so much. I really needed his help even tough I didn't want to admit it.

I got out of the tub and found myself a bandage, I wrapped it around my wrist and drained the bathtub. It still hurt but that all would be over soon when Dominic will arrive.


This is kind of a weird chapter and I hope you all still want to continue reading after this. But tysm for 15K reads I'm shook sksk

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