Chapter 27

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After I fixed myself up I called Ann, I told her to come over and after a couple minutes she was here. I didn't tell my mom about what just happened but I was going to eventually. When Ann got here we walked into my bedroom and I told her everything, what happened with Mike and why there was a bandage around my arm. She was really supportive and hugged me a lot, I also told her that Dominic was on his way and Ann wanted to leave us alone so she decided to go.

"You sure you're gonna be fine with walking to your car alone?" She sounded worried.

"Yes, I'm going to be fine" I reassured her and gave her a little smile.

"Okay just call me if something happens" She gave me one last hug and I nodded.

"See you later" She waved at me and got her purse.

"Bye" I smiled and she walked out of my bedroom. Now I was alone again, alone with my thoughts and that is a scary place at the moment. So I decided to listen to music until Dominic called me, I actually couldn't believe I was going to see Dominic again. I knew it was only about 2 weeks but it felt like much longer.

After about 2,5 hours Dominic finally called. He told me that he just landed and I immediately got up, grabbed my phone and car keys and walked to my car. I was looking around me but luckily Mike was nowhere to be found. I started the car and drove away, I was on my way to pick up Dominic. It felt like I was dreaming.

I was driving for 20 minutes and I could see the airport. I parked my car at departure hall 1 and walked inside the building. Dominic told me he was sitting on a bench near a Burger King, so I looked around. After a couple seconds I saw the big logo of Burger King and for some reason I got really nervous. I looked down at the seats and I searched through all the people.

My body froze, I saw someone looking at me, hair falling over his face, black outfit with pink socks, It was Dominic. He stood up and looked at me with a big smile, he started walking towards me and I just couldn't help myself. I ran towards him with my arms spread out, I practically jumped on top of him and wrapped my arms around him. We held each other tightly, I was smiling like crazy. I finally felt safe and happy again. I slowly let go of the hug and looked him in the eyes.

"God, I missed you" I said and felt tears in my eyes.

"I missed you so much" He smiled and pulled me into another.

"Come on let's go" Dominic said, he grabbed my hand and with his other hand he grabbed his luggage. We walked to my car together, we got in and I started driving towards my house. The ride was silent, the only thing we did was smile at each other. It felt so weird being with him again, but in a good way. When we arrived we said hello to my mom and walked to my bedroom.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you this before but, are you okay?" Dominic said in a sweet voice and sat next to me on the bed.

"I don't know" I looked down at my arm and regret filled my body again.

"Please tell me what happened" He held me hand and stroked it with his thumb. I explained everything again, every detail and I was crying again when I told him why I cut myself.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you or-" I cut him off.

"Dominic it's okay, It's not your fault" I said softly and looked into his hazel green eyes.

"I wish I could be there for you" He replied and put some hair behind my ear.

"I know... I just want to be with you all the time" I said and gave him a little smile.

"What are you doing to me" He chuckled softly and slowly leaned closer to me, he put his hand on my cheek and our lips touched. I felt pure joy running through my body and butterflies in my stomach.

The kiss was passionate, he asked for permisson and I let him in. We fighted for dominance and eventually Dominic won. We fell back on the bed and he was now hovering above me, we still didn't break the kiss. Our lips moved in sync, I felt Dominic's hand on my hip and he gently placed it under my shirt. He slowly got higher up to my body but I stopped him.

"Dominic" I said and looked at him, he was smirking.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"My mom is here" I whispered.

"So?" He said and leaned back in.

"I'm serious" I chuckled and gently pushed him away.

"Okay, fine" He playfully rolled his eyes and we both sat up.

"But you sure you're fine, after what happened today?" He asked out of nowhere.

"I'm not sure, I mean I'm definitly still in shock and full of regret" I said and looked at my arm again.

"Promise you'll never do it again?" He asked and looked in my eyes, I just nodded as a response.

"Okay, let's get you a new piece of bandage" He smiled and grabbed my hand, we walked into the bathroom and Dominic got a new piece of bandage. He carefully cut off the old one with scissors and we looked at the wound.

"Jezus Y/N" Dominic whispered and I got tears in my eyes. I didn't remember it being this big, I hated it so much.

"What did I do" I said while I let out a soft sob.

"Don't cry, it's gonna be fine" Dominic said and placed his hand on my shoulder while looking in my eyes. I nodded.

"Can you please cover it up?" I asked him, he quickly got the new piece of bandage and gently wrapped it around my arm.

"Is this too tight?" He asked and I shaked my head. He got some tape and put it on it.

"Thanks" I said a gave hime a smile.

"No problem, now let's forget about this and go on that dinner I promised the day before I left" He smiled.

"I'd like that" I replied and he placed a soft kiss on my lips, we smiled at each other and started heading out. I was so glad he was back.


Okay so I've decided to do something and that is to give this book a song, so basically I've seen other people give chapters a song that describes that chapter. But I wanna do it for the whole book, (so the song describes the whole book) the song I chose is called:
Everything Is Good Now - Foreign Air

I think that this song describes the relationship I've created in the book so well and is a perfect fit for this book. I'll also put the song name in the description off this book so if you forget the name look there, hope this made sence. Also tysm for 16k!!! <3

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