Chapter 11

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I leaned onto the wall and slowly let myself fall onto the ground. I ran my hands through my hair and was so confused, I changed my number and blocked him on my other phone. How did he get my number? He doesn't know anybody that has it. What if he eventually found me?

"Y/N what happened, open the door!" Dominic yelled and knocked on the door. I really didn't feel like talking but I knew I had to get out of here at some point. So I stood up, looked into the mirror and wiped away my tears. The make-up Ann did was all over my face, I looked like a mess. I walked over to the door and slowly unlocked it. As soon as I did that Dominic opened it.

"Hey, what's wrong I'm worried" He said and hugged me, I just stood there and felt more tears falling down from my face.

"Can I talk to you?" I said even though I didn't want to, but it would be weird if I didn't tell him why I reacted like that.

"Sure, we'll go to my room" He said and held my hand so I would follow him. I saw that everyone was looking at me but I just ignored them.

We approached his room and we sat down on his bed, Dominic made sure I was safe so he put his arm around me and didn't let go of my hand. He made circles with his thumb on the back of my hand, trying to calm me down. A few more tears escaped my eyes.

"You're probably wondering why I reacted like that" I said after a while of silence, my voice broke a little. I could see Dominic nod and I continued my story.

"Well the person who called was my ex, Mike" Tears fell down my face when I said his name.

"We had the most amazing times together, he was my first real love but I guess he felt different" I paused and looked at the floor.

"So he decided to sleep with my best friend, I walked in on them. Him and I had this huge fight and eventually he threatened me because I didn't want to be with him anymore. He didn't like that so he got a knife..." I paused again and wiped my tears away.

"He threatened to stab me, and I remember I started crying and screaming for help. I think it drove hime crazy because he uhm... he cut me" I showed Dominic the scar on my wrist, it hurted when I looked at it. All the memories started coming back.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I wish I could do something about it" Dominic said with a sweet voice and pulled me close to him. We sat like that for a while, but I broke the silence.

"Dominic?" I said and looked into his eyes.

"Yes?" He replied.

"What if he finds me and tries to hurt me again?" I asked.

"He won't, and if he does I'm gonna try my best to protect you" He promised.

"But what happens when you're gone?" I almost started to cry at the thought of him not being around.

"I don't know, but one thing I do know is that if something happens when I'm gone, I'll fly over no matter what" He looked into my eyes and it made me feel so safe, no one ever cared this much about me.

"You really mean that?" I asked just to be sure.

"Yes of course" He smiled and gave me a hug.

"Thank you" I let out a sob in his shoulder and he rubbed my back, I didn't feel scared anymore Dominic made everything so much better.

"No problem, as long as you're safe" Dominic said and let go of the hug so he could look into my eyes.

"Come on, let's go back to the rest" He said as he stood up but I pulled him down.

"Can we stay here?" I looked at him.

"Sure, whatever makes you happy" He smiled.

"Let me just tell everyone that we will stay here and everything is good" Dominic said and walked into the living room.

While he was gone I pulled a blanket over me and sat on the bed so my back was now against the wall. I looked around the room and saw two guitars and some of his clothes lying around.

"Got cozy?" Dominic chuckled while closing the door. He walked up to me and got under the blanket. I laid my head on his shoulder and held his hand. I started tracing the black heart on his finger and I could feel him smile.

"Can you sing me something?" I asked and looked up at his eyes.

"Of course, I'll sing you a song that means a lot to me" He looked down at me and started singing, I recognized the lyrics. I think it was from the song called kill somebody. I could relate to so many things that he sang.

His voice calmed me down, it was so soft. It brought tears to my eyes but I didn't let them go. When he started singing the chorus he looked into my eyes, just the way he did at his concert. His eyes said the same thing as last time, 'I need you'. It tried to figure out what he tried to tell me but it was hard. After a couple minutes he stopped singing and I smiled at him.

"That was so beautiful" I said and put my head on his shoulder again.

"Thank you" He smiled at me.

We just sat and cuddled for a while but I broke the silence again.

"Please don't leave me" I blurted out and got tears in my eyes.

"Hey, don't worry I won't love" He reassured and started making circles on my back with his hand.

"But you're leaving in a couple days" I said.

"I know but I'll come back, I will always come back for you" He said in a sweet calming voice.

"What if you will meet someone and forget about me?" I sounded jealous but I was just so worried he wouldn't come back.

"Y/N, I would never forget you, now get some sleep you're worrying to much. Everything is gonna be alright" He made sure I felt better and looked me in my eyes.

"Alright, but can you stay here with me?" I asked.

"Sure" Dominic gave me a smile and we laid down in the bed. He put his arm around me so I was the little spoon.

"Goodnight" I said to him and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight love" He replied and gave me a kiss on my head. I blushed like crazy and my body got all warm. I got butterflies in my stomach. Did I like Dominic? I wasn't sure but one thing I did know was that he cared about me and I was safe as long as I was with him.


This is such a bad chapter I'm srry sksk, I'll try to make the next one better

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