Chapter 7

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After a couple minutes of walking we finally reached the bar, our hands were locked the whole time but we let go soon as we walked in. I hoped nobody saw us hold hands. Adam suggested to go to the bar and we all followed him.

It was pretty busy in the bar, some people were even dancing on the little dance floor. My eye caught a couple fighting in the back, it reminded me of my last relationship. After I caught my ex with my best friend we had this huge fight, it was bad I even got a little scar on my arm. While I was thinking about all this I started feeling dizzy again, just like the day Dominic saved me.

I felt my knees getting weaker and weaker as I kept on walking, I slowly gave up and fell forwards. As soon as everything went black and my face would hit the ground I felt two arms catch me.

"Shit, are you okay?" There was a ringing noise in my head so I couldn't quite hear who it was but I'm guessing it was Dominic.

"Mmm, what happened?" I asked, my vision was a little blurry but I could see a concerned Dominic staring at me and the group was around us.

"Y/N what happend!?" Ann came running towards us with two drinks in her hands.

"I just felt a little dizzy" I said and wanted to walk away but I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder.

"Come with me, we'll fresh you up" Dominic said with a concerned expression on his face.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder because I was still a little unsteady. We slowly approached the bathroom and opened the door. I got to one of the sinks and started splashing water in my face.

"What happend back there?" Dominic asked while leaning on one of the stall doors and looking at me through the mirror.

"Nothing" I said really fast.

"Are you sure?" He asked and we looked each other in the eye through the mirror.

"Yes" I really didn't feel like talking.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" He said, we only knew each other a couple days so I felt a little uncomfortable with telling him everything, I have trouble with trusting other people after my ex.

"Yes I know" I lied, I don't know. I knew he meant everything in a good way but my trust issues are being a bitch and are telling me he will fuck up my life like my ex. Out of nowhere I felt tears coming up, 'no no no' I thought. One tear escaped my eye and I quickly wiped it away and looked down at the floor still facing the mirror.

"Hey hey hey, you don't have to cry" Dominic said with a sweet low voice as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck.

I looked at us in the mirror and it reminded me of my ex and I. I hated the fact that he was on my mind so much, this could have been a perfect moment but of course my thoughts had to ruin it.

"I'm sorry" I said and pushed myself out of his arms and ran out of the bathroom. I looked around with panick and sadness in my eyes. I saw Adam and Ann standing at the bar and Michael was nowhere to be seen.

I decided to get out of the bar so I pushed through all the people and once when I was outside I ran, I ran as far as I could.

"Y/N!" I could hear Dominic scream behind me but I just kept running, as if I was running away from my life. Tears were falling down my face and regret filled my heart.

Dominic screamed my name again and we were now in a park nearby the bar. The tears just kept coming and I let out a few sobs, I was so tired of running that I stopped and fell on my knees.

I was now sitting on my knees and my head in my hands while I was sobbing. Why am I like this? I could hear footsteps approaching, he stopped in front of me and grabbed my hands and held them.

"Look at me" He said in a sweet voice. I looked up at him and saw a small tear escape his eyes. Tears were still falling down my face and I couldn't stop.

"Whatever is happening in your life that made you run away just know that I wanna be there for you. We only met a couple days ago but I really feel like there is a connection between us, it sounds weird but that's just how I feel" He looked deep into my eyes while saying that and I looked into his.

"Let me help you Y/N" He smiled and more tears were coming out of my eyes. His words made me feel a way I couldn't explain but it felt good. I nodded at his words and I wrapped my arms around him.

We are now sitting on the ground in the middle of the park embracing one another, moonlight shining through the trees. I didn't care what people would think about us because I was focused on him.

My head buried in his chest and his laying on my shoulder. I let out another sob and he pulled me closer to him.

"It's alright I'm here now" He said with the softest voice. I felt actually safe this time, the thoughts that I had at the bar were all gone. The only thing I could think of was this moment.



Thank u smmm for 2k reeds!! Also I'm trying to update as much as I can and doing my best in making this story good but I'm clearly failing at that, but anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :))

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