Chapter 4

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So sorry for not updating but I was really busy with school and stuff, hope you all enjoy this chapter :)


"You!" We both said in sync and smiled.

"Y/N was it right?" He said with his beautiful accent.

"Yeah, and... Dominic?" A smile appeared on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked still smiling.

"Oh, I was just picking up some books for school, and then I saw the record store across the street and decided to take a look inside" I said.

"You should be lucky I was here you know, or else you would've been laying on the floor right now" We both chuckled softly.

"Yeah, thanks for saying me again" I smiled.

"I don't wanna be creepy but, what do you say we grab a drink together?" He leaned against the door frame and had a silly smile on his face.

"Uh, yeah I would like that, but I can't go for that long because my mom is expecting me home soon" I felt my body getting warmer and I looked at his eyes.

"That's alright, do you know a place nearby?" He said while we stepped outside and started looking around.

"There is this Starbucks right over there if that's okay?" I pointed to the left.

"Yes, totally fine with me" He looked at me and we started walking.

"I've noticed you have an accent, you're not from around here are you?" I said.

"Surprised you noticed" He said with sarcasm and I chuckled to myself.

"But no, I'm not from here I am from England, Doncaster" He said while he made a rock sign with his hand.

"England huh, you moved here?" I kind of hoped he did.

"No I didn't I Uh..." He searched for words to say.

"Okay please don't get scared, mad or anything like that?" We stopped walking and he looked at me seriously.

"Why? What's going on?" I asked.

"So I actually am an artist and I'm touring here for a couple weeks" He looked as if he was scared for my answer.

"Really!? That's so great!" I had a huge smile on my face.

"Why did you think I would respond scared or mad?" I looked at him.

"Oh you know, just things that happend in the past" We started walking again.

"Just remember that I think it's amazing" I tried to make him feel better.

"Thanks" He said and gave me a weak smile and looked down.

"Oh come on!" I said in a silly voice and pushed him in a playful way.

"What?" He started laughing a little.

"There he is!" I chuckled and pocked him with my elbow.

"Who is?" He smiled.

"Happy Dominic!" I looked at him and started smiling.

He began the laugh and we continued walking.

"Were here" I said and opened the door to the coffee shop.

"Go find a table, I'll order for us" Dominic said, what a gentleman.

I found a table for two at the window and sat down. A couple minutes later Dominic arrived with two cups.

"One for you, and one for me" He gave me my cup and sat down.

"Thank you" I took a sip from my drink. I had no idea what he ordered but it was nice.

"So, tell me about your music" I was really interested in it.

"Well, my stage name is Yungblud and people discribe my music as alternative rock and hiphop" He answered and took a sip of his drink.

"Wow, that's so cool. When is your next concert?" I really wanted to see him live.

"I'm playing one tommorow night, I could put your name on the list so you don't have to pay?" He started smiling.

"Yes that would be so great!" I was so happy.

"Awesome! So when you arrive you just have to tell your name to the security and they'll let you in" We both smiled and I decided to check the time.

"Oh no! It's already six, I'm supposed to be home right now. I'm so sorry I need to go" I stood up and made my way to the door, Dominic followed me outside.

"Wait before you go, can I get your number?" He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"Yes ofcourse" I smiled and typed in my number on his phone.

"Again I'm so sorry I already need to go, see you later?" I looked at him.

"It's alright, see you later" I gave him one last glance and started walking away, leaving Dominic at the coffee shop.

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