Chapter 32

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*Trigger warning?*

Dominic POV

"What the f#ck!?" I said confused, what was Mike doing with her phone?

"Oh, Y/N's boyfriend" He said in an evil tone.

"Why do you have her phone?" I asked with anger.

"She came to visit me but she went to the toilet" You could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I'm sure she wouldn't just visit you" I knew she would never do that, I was so scared something had happened to her.

"Believe it or not, she did" As soon as he said that I heard a groan in the background.

"What was that?" I asked curious.

"Oh uhmm... that was the tv" He said carefully.

"Sure it was" I said annoyed.

"If you don't let her go, I'll fly over tommorow" I said while anger rushed through my body.

"Have a nice flight" He said in a playful yet evil voice and hung up.

I was furious, how could he do that to her? I started walking around the room and a couple seconds later my manager told me I had to go on stage. I ran towards the room full of people that wanted to see me and preformed with anger. I was also really worried about her, even though we didn't talk anymore she still had a special place in my heart.


I slowly opened my eyes and a painfull headache was the first thing I acknowledged. I tried to sit up but my body felt weak, I tried to look around with my blurry vision, trying to remember where I was. But as soon as I saw someone familiar stand on the other side of the room, everything became clear again. When I looked at him I saw that he was on the phone, talking to someone. I tried to listen what it was about but I only could hear one thing.

"Have a nice flight" He put the phone down and walked towards me with an evil grin on his face.

"So, from now on you're gonna listen to me" He crouched down beside. I slowly shook my head from left to right.

"No?" He looked a little surprised by my actions.

"I guess I'm just gonna have to place you on this chair until you agree with me" He picked me up and sat me down on a wooden chair.

"Mike please" My voice sounded weak and I watched him walk to the other side of the room. He came back with a rope in his hand.

"What are you doing?" I said while panicking a little.

"Nothing for you the worry about" He smirked and stepped behind the chair, he forcefully grabbed my hands, I tried to pull away but he was stronger. He put my hands together and tied them to the chair.

"Now you wont be going anywhere" He said proudly as he walked to the front of the chair so he could look at me.

He also grabbed a chair and sat in front of me, I looked at him with anger and he had the familiar smirk on his face. We sat like that for a couple hours and it probably was around 1am. I was tired and I wanted to fall asleep but I tried not to do that. I finally broke the silence after awhile because I got sick of this.

"Let me go" I said and looked him in the eyes with no emotion.

"You want me to let you go?" He smirked and I nodded carefully.

"Well that's very simple, you'll just have to do one thing" He stood up and crouched down in front of me so we were the same height.

"What's that?" I asked, my voice was almost gone.

"Love me again" He smirked.

"Never" I gave him a cold look, he gave me a dissapointed sigh and walked out of the room.

I immediately started looking around for things that could help me get out. I saw the knife I wanted to use on Mike laying on a table that was probably the height of where my hands were. I also saw that his house keys and my phone were laying next to it. It couldn't be this easy.

I carefully started to move the chair with my feet, trying not to make much noice. I was so scared that he would walk in and hurt me again. So I started to move quicker, but I shouldn't have done that because I slowly fell onto the ground.

"Shit" I whispered under my breath while laying on my side on the floor. If he didn't hear me now he really had problems, not that he didn't already.

I had no idea what to do now but I decided to look around on the floor. And for some reason there was a piece of glass laying behind/next to my head. It was strange to me that such a big piece of glass was laying there but I decided to ignore that and push my way up so my hands could reach the glass. After a lot of struggles I finally succeeded.

I grabbed the glass and tried to cut through the rope, it wasn't very thick so it wouldn't take that long. After a couple minutes of stress the rope loosened and I quickly got up and grabbed his keys and my phone. I ran to the door, I almost tripped while doing so but I quickly tried some keys before finally finding the one that was made for this door.

I threw the keys back inside and quickly closed the door and started running away, I was so scared. After running a few blocks I had to catch my breath, it was so weird to me that it was so easy to get out of there, it almost seemed like he let me escape. I tried to ignore those thoughts and opened my phone.

I saw that Dominic had called me and someone answered it. I was confused at first but then I remembered Mike being on the phone, could he have been talking to him? I wanted to call Dominic, but I wasn't quite sure because of the way I left things. But I did it anyway, I was anxious.

"Hello?" I said carefully.

"Y/N! Are you save? Are you okay?" He asked worried and he also sounded surprised.

"Uhm... yeah, I'm fine" I replied confused.

"How did you get out?" He asked. It was weird talking to him again but at the same time I just felt so safe.

"I uh... he let me go" I lied, I didn't want him to worry about me.

"Oh, okay?" He answered confused, he probably knew I was lying.

"Do you wanna talk about... you know?" He said, almost whispered.

"Not now if that's okay" I really didn't feel like talking about that at the moment. Meanwhile I was unlocking the door of my house and I slowly walked inside. I entered the living room but then my whole body froze.

"So are you sure you're fine? Do you need anything?" I heard him say but my mind was somewhere else. My eyes were focused onto something. I let my phone fall to the ground and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

This couldn't be happening right? I wasn't prepared.


This book is taking such a turn that I didn't expect it to, but it just happened I guess, and I don't hate it. But soon I'll be back on track for what I originally had planned for the rest of this story. Also tysm again for all the support I'm getting! <3

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