Chapter 25

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My heartbeat got quicker and my hands started to sweat. I felt tears falling down my face, I was in panic and frozen. I just stared at my phone, it didn't show a name or number but I knew exactly who it was. After a bit of waiting I eventually pressed the red button, the screen dissapeared and I searched for Dominic's number.

My hands were shaking so it was hard to type, after a couple tries I found his number and I pressed the call icon. It started ringing, if he didn't pick up now I had no idea what to do. As soon as I wanted to hang up, he picked up. I held to phone close to my ear while I was silently crying.

"Hello?" He said, I immediately felt safer when I heard his voice.

"D-dominic" I said while I let out a soft sob.

"Why are you crying? What happend?" He sounded worried.

"He called" I whispered.

"Who called?" He asked.

"M-Mike" It was hard to say his name again.

"Oh my god, what did he say, are you okay?" He said in a concerned voice.

"He just said hello but I was to scared to say anything back" I said while staring at the pink bunny.

"Do you think he is coming back?" I said, I was so scared.

"I think I made myself clear last time we saw him, so I don't think so" Dominic responded.

"But why did he call me then?" I asked him.

"I don't know.. just let me know if anything happens, okay?" He said, I heard some voices in the background.

"Can't you come back here?" I really hoped he could.

"I wish I could but I can't, I'm touring 2 weeks without a day off. After that I only have 2 free days" He said and I felt myself starting to panic again.

"But you promised that if something-" he cut me off.

"Y/N I'm really sorry okay, I wish I could be there to protect you and make sure you are safe, but I just can't" He sounded irritated and sad at the same time.

"Oh.." That was everything I said and felt more tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry but I have to go now, call or text me if something happens okay?" It suddenly sounded like he was in a rush.

"Okay I will, bye" I said softly.

"Bye" He said and quickly hung up after. I really didn't know how I was gonna do this without Dominic.

15 days after Dominic left

Mike didn't call again so that was a good thing, but I'm sure he was planning something. Dominic and I texted a bit after our last phone call a couple days ago, he just made sure I was okay. I really missed him but it was less hard then the first couple days.

Suddenly I heard the doorbell, I walked into the living room and saw my mom sitting on the couch.

"Can you get that honey?" She gave me a weak smile, I nodded and walked towards the door.

I opened it and there was a man standing there with a small package in his hands. It apperently was for me, I took it and walked back to my room.

I sat on my bed and looked at the package, I turned it around and there was a small note written on it. 'For my little Y/N -D' I chuckled. After reading that I opened the package. I remember him saying that he would send me something a couple days ago. There was a pictureframe in it, I turned it around and I immediately got a smile on my face.

It was the picture of Dominic and I on the hill right after our first kiss. That was such an amazing moment, I wish I could go back in time. I grabbed my phone from the other side of my bed and took a picture of it. I decided to send it to Dominic. I loved this picture so much, I put it right next to my bed. After a couple minutes Dominic texted back.

'Do you like it?'

'Yes I love it!'

'That's great'

'How did your show go yesterday?'

'It went pretty good it was an amazing show'

'I wish I could see another show of yours, I loved it so much'

'In a couple weeks we have a show like 2 hours away from you'

'I can probably try to make it but I don't know how it will go with my mom'

'That's okay, I'll send the location later if that's alright?'

'Yeah that's fine'

'Can you come back already I miss you'

'I also miss you so much'

'Can't you take a day off?'

'I already told you a couple days ago'

'I know but I just want you here'

'Me too, it's hard but we'll get through this'

'I hope so'

'Of course we will'

'If you say so'

'But I'm gonna go now, I'm super tired'

'Okay, talk to you later'


I put my phone down and just stared at nothing again. I didn't like talking through text, because it just didn't feel right. But I had no other choice.

Why did I have to fall for him? He was away all the time and I barely spoke to him, only through text. But he made me feel safe, and he always seemed to calm me down. He was perfect and I was scared of losing him.


I honestly don't know what this chapter is but whatever. Also this book is already at 13K reads like how, I literally can't thank you all enough <3

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