Chapter 42

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I slowly woke up and opened my eyes to look around, I noticed that this wasn't my room but then I remembered everything from yesterday. I was at Michael's hotel room, we both slept in different rooms.

I decided to get out of bed and try to see if there was some food. I walked towards a mirror and looked at myself, I let out a deep sigh. I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, I felt disgusting. I had to get new clothes, I probably would pick some up later at my house, I guess I also had to pack for tour.

I left my little bedroom and made my way over to the kitchen, I noticed Michael wasn't up yet. I looked in some cabinets but nothing was there, I even checked in the living area but there was no sign of food. So I just decided to put on a jacket I left on a chair yesterday and check out the rest of the hotel.

I grabbed a spare key and tried to leave as quietly as possible, I didn't want to wake Michael up. I closed the door and looked around the long hallway with a lot of doors. I just started walking towards a window at the end of the hallway, when I approached it I saw that there was a door to my right. There was a sign on it that said 'balcony' so I decided to check it out. I carefully opened the door and a big balcony revealed itself, I looked around with a little smile on my face but then I noticed something... or rather someone.

As I was walking closer towards that person I tried not to make any noise, but of course that didn't go as planned. I tripped over a chair that I didn't see which made a loud noise and I was basically laying on the ground... great.

"Oh shit" I said under my breath when I tripped, there was no way he didn't notice I was here.

"Y/N!?" A familiar voice said, I quickly looked up from the ground and butterflies entered my stomach... it was Dominic. Well this was awkward.

"Uhm... hey?" I said confused as I stood up and brushed some dirt of my clothes.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned while I grabbed a chair and sat next to him.

"I'm fine" I smiled weakly.

"What are you doing out here?" Dominic asked as we both looked at the sunrise.

"I uhh was looking for food?" I answered with a confused tone.

"So you decided to go to the balcony?" He chuckled.

"Well... yeah" I sighed with a chuckle, I realized how dumb it sounded. There was a little silence, it was kind of awkward but Dominic broke it.

"So normally when we are staying at hotels, we eat together and most of the time it's at my room so that's why there was no food at yours" He explained.

"Keeping all the food for ourselves are we?" I chuckled quietly, Dominic laughed a little. There was another silence between us.

"So what are you doing here then?" I asked while I turned my head so I could look at him.

"I wanted to get away from Vi- uhhh..." He responded, he looked stressed and I realized he said something which made me curious and concerned.

"O-our neighbors were drilling in the wall so I uhh couldn't sleep" Dominic corrected himself while I was looking at him, trying to find answers.

"Oh okay" I said quietly and looked away from him. I was mostly confused but at the same this I was worried, it sounded like he wanted to get away from Victoria. I decided to just leave it alone for now.

We sat there for a couple minutes, just staring at the sun slowly rising but then I broke the silence again.

"Dominic?" I said and looked at him.

"Yeah?" He replied and turned his head so he could look at me.

"Did you mean it... what you said yesterday?" I asked while I got lost in his eyes.

"Of course I did... I just want you to be happy" He gave me a weak smile.

"Well I just thought because of Victoria it-" I began but Dominic cut me off.

"She doesn't matter" He said without thinking about his words, after a couple seconds he realized what he had said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, I searched his eyes for answers. Dominic wanted to speak but someone entered the balcony.

"Hey sweetie" A familiar annoying voice said, it was Victoria. She walked over to Dominic and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked in a worried voice, but it sounded fake. She didn't even notice I was here, not that I cared.

"Couldn't sleep" He simply replied and Victoria sat on his lap and then turned her head to mine.

"Oh... you're here" She gave me a disgusting look and her voice turned cold.

"We should go, I have something to show you" Victoria said and stood up, she grabbed Dominic's hand and dragged him with her. I knew Dominic didn't want to go with her, I could see it in his eyes when he looked back at me.

And now they were gone, just like yesterday. I pulled my feet up on the chair and wrapped my arms around my legs. I could feel my eyes starting the fill with tears and I let a couple fall down my face.

Why did Victoria have to be here? Why would Dominic ever choose to be with her? I knew something was definitely up with her, Dominic deserved so much better and it still broke me from the inside to see them together. I knew that feeling wouldn't go away soon.

"Y/N?" A voice said behind me and I turned my head to see Michael standing there.

"Hey" I said and quickly wiped away my tears.

"Hey, Dominic told me you were up here"  He smiled.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked as he walked towards me.

"I guess so..." I looked at the floor while my mind was thinking about a lot of things.

"You remember how we were talking about Dominic and Victoria yesterday?" I asked Michael and looked at him, he nodded.

"I think something is up between them..." I said and I saw Michael's expression turn into a curious one.

"And I'm gonna figure out what" I continued with confidence in my voice, there was definitly something wrong with Victoria.


I don't rlly know what this chapter is but I tried to make something off it, also I hope you guys are still enjoying this book and that it isn't getting boring because not a lot of things have happened with Dom so far but I just like to create a whole story line (and I promise things will happen) <3

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