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It's been 9 weeks since Teresa saw Thomas and she couldn't care who heard it anymore. It was destroying her. She was in love with him. But after finding out Janson told her and whay he did, she knew handing him in was the only option and the right one at that. How could Thomas lie about having a sister and left out his brother.

Teresa was sat in her living room with a glass of wine watching some random trashy tv show. Being alone was not something Teresa enjoyed but she couldn't invite Freddie over after everything Thomas. After a few more moments Teresa's food arrived.

Getting up to answer the door, Teresa grabbed her purse on the way and sighed. Opening the door she saw the delivery guy with his head down and what semeed like he was refusing to look at her. Feeling a bit uneasy Teresa tried to get a look at his face.

"Um.. is everything oka-"

Teresa was cut off by the guy raising his head and she was met with the brown eyes of the british blonde. Newt. Teresa's eyes widened as she grabbed Newt and pulled him into her house.

"What the hell? You're alive?!" Teresa questioned closing her door.

"Would you prefer it if we were all dead?" Newt asked harshly as he whipped his hat off.

"What? No! What are you doing here?" Teresa asked folding her arms.

"You're going to help us get Tommy back." Newt commanded. Teresa stood back a few steps feeling uneasy.


"All of us. Minho, Gally, Brenda, Jorge- all of us." He said grabbing her coat. "Put your shoes on. We're leaving now."

"Newt have you even thought this through?" Teresa asked slowly putting her shoes on. "Janson could end you all.. for real." She said nervously. She wanted to help Newt and was glad that they were all alive but Janson knows everything. Teresa figured out that there was a location chip planted into her arm, which was why it was causing her some pain. It allowed Janson to figure out Thomas' weaknesses and he discovered his weakness was Teresa.

"Why did Thomas lie to me?" She questioned before slipping her coat on. Newt looked at Teresa with a face of confusion.

"What did he lie about?"

"He told me he had a sister called Jessica. That she took her life-"

"That's because he did." Newt said. "Thomas may have took someone's life, but he wasn't a liar. He even made a little memorial grave for her. A wooden cross in the north side of the woods by the cabin. Doubt it's still there now after you-"

"Wha- Janson said it was his step daughters. That Thomas' twin brother Mitch assaulted her and that Lucas tried to avenge her by killing Mitch but he went for Thomas by accident and that he killed him." Teresa said frantically.

"You want to know the real reason? The real story. Im the only one Tommy told and I promised not to tell but if it means you'll help us get him back then so be it." Newt said grabbing Teresa's arm.

"Where are we going?"


Newt pulled up beside two abandoned houses. They had boarded up windows, overgrown grass and planks of wood blocking the doors. Teresa looked at Newt who sighed.

"This is Tommy's childhood home. He grew up here with Jessica and his parents." Newt explained switching off the car. "No one's been in it since Thomas was sectioned and put in his penitentiary."

"What about that one?" Teresa asked pointing to the house next it.

"That's where Janson used to live with his son.. Lucas." Newt said and Teresa felt stabbing pains in he chest. "Come on, there's more." Newt got out of the car and out his good up to disguise his face. Newt began leading Teresa into Thomas' old house, holding a crowbar to get the wood off. After a few tried the planks of wood were off and Newt and Teresa were inside.

It looked perfect!

The walls were painted a beautiful cream colour whilst the kitchen was a duck egg blue. The living a warm red and had roses on the wallpaper. Photo frames still hung from the walls and stood on the shelves. One photo caught Teresa's eye. It was a picture of Thomas and the girl in the other photos. Teresa ran her hand over Thomas' face before she felt her legs go weak and the tear began to flow.

She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders and she recognised the smell to the Newt. Wiping her tears Teresa shook her head.

"Lucas and Jessica used to date until Jessica finished with him after he cheated. Then Lucas tried to sexually assault Jessica and- he succeeded. No one believed Jessica but Thomas, not even their parents so.. Thomas took things into his own hands and went to have a word with Lucas and Lucas was aiming a gun at him. Somehow Thomas got the gun and.. he killed him." Newt explained and Teresa sniffled. "It was never Thomas' intention to kill him Teresa. If anything it was self defense. Mitch doesn't exist, neither does Janson' s so called step daughter." 

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't of believed Janson! Newt, I'm the reason he's lost everything." Teresa said and Newt didn't say anything. She knew he agreed with her but didn't want to say. Wiping her tears she stood up and pulled the picture from the frame shoving it in her coat pocket.

"What are you doing?"

"We're going to get Thomas out of there!"


So, I've split this chapter into 2! It was longer but it was too long for once chapter so the rest of this chapter will be found as chapter eighteen! I hope you are all enjoying the story as much as I am writing it. For those who are confused, in chapter 15 Teresa and Thomas thought Newt and the rest died after Janson sent the air strike after he left with Thomas in the chopper and they thought it had killed them.

One last thing, Im going to be writing a Thomas Brodie-Sangster book! Would any of you lovely guys be willing to check it out?

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