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If felt like hours for Thomas and Teresa sat on top of the roof. They didn't know how long they were there for but all they cared about was being in each others arms. Teresa made sure that Thomas stayed awake.

Teresa was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of a huge humming sound. Looking behind her to the end of the roof she saw the Berg rising. Thomas lifted his head and looked on the direction Teresa was looking in. She knew this was her last chance to save Thomas and herself.

Standing to her feet Teresa lifted Thomas up, resuming their last position with her supporting him. Trying to get Thomas to them a quickly as possible Teresa struggled.

Thomas was limping slowly falling down a few times but Teresa wasn't giving up. She was not about to let this opportunity go! Nearing the edge, Thomas was reaching out for everyone on the Berg.

"Get closer!" Teresa yelled over to them. They were all yelling for Thomas to reach but he was too weak to even be paying attention. The Berg edged closer and Teresa picked Thomas back up but he fell again.

The sound of a the building next to them losing a bit of structure, it was only a matter of time before the whole building gave in. Teresa was determined to rescue Thomas.

Pulling Thomas up once again Teresa took one big breath before pushing Thomas onto the Berg. Seeing everyone rolling Thomas onto the Berg, Teresa breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on Teresa! You're turn." Gally shouted reaching out for Teresa. Teresa stated at Gally taking deep breaths and she was going to run until a voice stopped her.

"Oi! Teresa!"

Teresa turned around and saw Brenda striding towards her. Teresa glanced at Thomas before turning back to Brenda.

"He's mine. He will always be mine.. you were just a distraction." Brenda said. The two girls were basically having a stand off.

"You don't have to do this Brenda- the building is fall!" Teresa yelled over the wind and fire. Brenda laughed darkly before also looking at the Berg.

"Don't be stupid Teresa! There cn only be one of us on that Berg.. and it's me!" Brenda yelled back. The yelling cussed Thomas to start paying attention.

"T-teresa?" Thomas mumbled barely above a whisper. Minho was getting impatient. They didn't have long. Looking at the next building, they didn't see Brenda pull a gun out at Teresa. "Sa-save T-teresa."

"Guys!" Frypan yelled as he saw the building tipping. "Teresa! Jump!"

Brenda looked at the gang theybwere all trying to save Teresa. The tears were about to fall from Brenda's eyes, bit she wasn't gonna stop here.

Teresa and Brenda looked at the building and saw it fall causing Brenda and Teresa to fall to their knees. Wasting no time Teresa quickly swings her body around to look at back at Thomas. I'm not going to make it! She thought.

She attempted to get up and run but Brenda got a hold of her foot. Teresa fell back down and tried to kick Brenda off of her. Succeeding Brenda started to punch and also Teresa; she also retaliated. With one smack to the jaw Teresa fell.

"You know how this ends! We're both going to go down." Brenda said and stood up straight, but that didn't phase Teresa. She didn't want to take her eyes off of Thomas.

Rubbing his head, Newt slowly woke up and saw the commotion. Not knowing what to do Newt saw a piece of rope and threw it at Gally.

Taking Gally by surprise he saw the rope and saw Newt was awake. Gally smiled and took the rope throwing it out of the Berg. Teresa noticed what Gally did and she had a plan.

"Come on Teresa. Fight back!" Brenda screamed. Teresa stood up and pushed Brenda to the floor. Quickly running over to the rope, Teresa jumped!

Before they know it, the building gave way and fell.

"No!" Thomas yelled. He thought Teresa hadn't made it in time. Everything was distorted and he didn't see Teresa on the Berg.

Everyone watched as Brenda fell with the building, but what Thomas didn't see was Teresa fall. Thomas leaned over the edge of the Berg and saw Teresa holding onto the rope for dear life. Thomas' heart was thumping harder than ever and his tears came out happy.

Teresa looked up and smiled at Thomas. She made it. They both did.

"Pull her up!" Frypan yelled. Gally, Minho and Frypan began to pull the brunette girl and helped her onto the Berg. Teresa fell beside Thomas and she began to sob. Thomas weakly linked his hand with hers before everything before him went black.

Teresa looked at Thomas and frowned. Is he dead? Is he passed out? What's happened?!

The boys moved Thomas and Teresa and closed the Berg door and flew back to safety, away from that hell.

Teresa sat up and leaned against the side of the Berg. She saw Newt looking at her sympathetically. She wiped her forehead and took a deep breath.

"What happened to Janson?" Newt questioned whilst coughing. Teresa shook her head and smiled lightly.

"Let's just say I may be considered one of you guys now." She mumbled. Newt looked at Teresa with wide eyes.

"You killed him?" Newt questioned. "You chose to save Thomas?" Teresa nodded and looked down.

"I'm in love with him Newt."

So one more chapter and then Wanted Man is done. I'm actually quite sad. I love writing this story so much omg😢

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