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Gally was stood by the tank with Minho and Brenda, trying to contact Thomas and Newt but they were receiving nothing. A coughing sound caused Gally to look up and see Newt.

He was running over to them like he couldn't breath before he fell to the floor.

"Newt!" Gally yelled before running over to where he collapsed. Newt had inhaled too much smoke from the explosions. "Newt talk to me?"

"Janson.. has... Thomas.." He spoke before passing out. Gally shook Newt a few times before looking at Brenda and Minho.

"We need to get in there." Gally said. Brenda began to gear herself up. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going in there!" Brenda yelled before running off. Gally got Minho to help him lift Newt and take him to the  jet.

"Tell Brenda to lead him to the roof. That's the only way we can get them out." Minho said.

"Are you sure?" Gally questions looking at Minho worriedly. Minho pointed to the entrance that Brenda just went in and saw it was completely barricaded off. Gally nodded and all them abandoned the tank.


Teresa was hiding behind a table after she left Thokas behind a wall so he was hidden from Janson. Crawling on her hands and knees she was planning on sneaking up behind Janson and taking the gun from him.

Teresa's plan was completely destroyed she was caught by Janson. Scooting back away from Janson Teresa remembered the serum in her pocket. Slowly standing up Teresa didn't take her face away from Janson.

"Why did you lie?" Teresa questioned. Janson frowned at her before raising his gun. "You lied about Lucas.. about Jessica. You could've easily got Thomas yourself, why would you need my help?"

"I needed a way in Thomas' heart. Something to weaken him, physically and emotionally. You were the perfect ticket." Janson chuckled darkly. "Plus, it wasn't you on inside that helped me. It was Brenda."

Teresa felt her blood boil! She knew something about Brenda wasn't right, how did Janson know everything and it was because of that traitor!

"But still.. you have something of mine." Janson said cocking his gun. Teresa reached into her pocket and lifted up the serum. "No.. where is he?"

"I'm over here you piece of shit!" Teresa heard Thomas yell. Looking over to Thomas, Teresa saw he was just about managing to stand. "Come and get me."

Janson's focus was completely off of Teresa and he was heading towards Thomas. Teresa only had one option.. She only had once choice. She had to use the deadly serum.

Teresa felt her self beginning to run and before she knew it, she had injected Janson with the serum. Janson turned around to Teresa and realisation hit him on what she had done.

"You bitch!" Janson yelled before he fell to the floor and began to spasm. Teresa stood back and watched as the life was being sucked out of Janson. Looking over to Thomas who leaning against the wall she made her way over and snaked an arm around his waist whilst the other was over her shoulders.

Thomas took one look at Janson before grunting from pain. Teresa looked at Thomas and frowned.

"Was it all worth it Teresa?"

"Thomas, we really do need to leave."


Gally was keeping an eye on Newt who still hasn't woken up. Minho looked at Gally and sighed.

"Try and contact Brenda, see where she is." Minho said throwing Gally his phone. Gally began to call Brenda only to find out her phone was here. "Great." Minho said.

Gally grabbed Brenda's phone and opened it. Looking at her missed called Gally saw a name he didn't like.

"Uh.. Minho.. why has Brenda been in contact with Janson?" Gally questioned. Minho looked at Gally wide eyed.

"It was her."


Teresa and Thomas had tried to make their way down the building but it was completely engulfed with flames, so they went up instead. Climbing the stairs was difficult for Teresa who had to try and support herself as well and Thomas.

"This way!" She said pulling Thomas towards the door she saw. Making there out she saw the whole building and area was a light. Figuring there was no way out here, Tresa tried to go back through the door they came through but it was too late. It was too on fire to go back through.

Teresa was stumped. She didn't know what to do! All of it was too much for Thomas who was weak. His body slumped to the floor and Teresa quickly got to his side.

"Thomas." She whispered gently to him. Thomas looked up and coukdnt stop shaking. "Thomas I-"


"I'm sorry!" She said tears falling down her face. "I tried." Thomas looked into Teresa's eyes a while longer before nodding ever so slightly.

"I know." He whispered back. Teresa and Thomas' foreheads were touching and Teresa could feel the love coursing through her veins and before she knew, they were kissing.

Everything disappeared! The fire, the pain, the hurt and the world. The only Teresa could see was everything back from when she first met Thomas, when they were at the cabin, their first kiss, the first time they explored each other's bodies, the water and the necklace.

Thomas forgot everything Teresa did to hurt him. In that moment he knew he forgave her and that wa wall that mattered him. He had everything, he had his girl, he had his life.. He had Teresa.

Simultaneously they pulled away and Thomas was resting his body against Teresa. And Teresa, she just looked up to the sky. That's all she could do in that moment.

Teresa knew the building would eventually burn down and fall, taking them with it. They could jump off the building as it would he too high and they couldn't go anywhere else.

They would end this journey together she wouldn't want it any other way.


Little video there of whay I imagined Teresa's thoughts to be when she and Thomas kissed. So there are 2 chapters left I will most likely get them out tonight, so I hope you all are loving the story.

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