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Thomas felt like his head was spinning. He opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. He could bangs and crashes as well as explosioms. He saw an unfamiliar room folding out in front of him. Feeling like his head was about to explode Thomas attempted to rub his forehead but his arm was restrained.

"Don't struggle."

Thomas looked up to his left and saw Teresa. She had a sad expression on her face and he felt stupid.

"I can't believe Newt fell for it." Thomas spat.

"Fell for what?" Teresa asked in a hushed tone.

"Your lies! Are you seriously helping him Teresa? He's lied to you about something that happened to me." Thomas replied. "I thought you loved me Teresa."

"Oh she did. But you're a criminal and she's doing the right thing." Thomas looked behind Teresa and saw Janson. "Go and make the serum for the injection."

Teresa walked away from Janson and Thomas to the station behind them. She knew what she had to do and this time she knew it was the right thing to do. Thomas has killed people, he's a criminal!

But Janson is pure evil!

"You are going to die Thomas. A slow and painful death! You don't get to murder people and get away with it. The so called love of your life is making a serum that will make all your organs eat themselves up and you'll have no way of stopping it." Janson said and added a laugh to the end.

Teresa managed to complete the serum trying to ignore everything Janson had been saying. Turning around the syringe was instantly snatched from her.

Thomas tried to pull away from Janson but it was hard with the restrains keeping him put.

"Say 'Hi' to your beloved sister for me when you get out six feet under!" Janson yelled. That was it.

Thomas closed his eyes in fear until he heard glass shattering and a thud. Slowly opening his eyes and looking back towards Janson, Thomas saw Teresa. She picked up the injection and put it in her pocket.

"Come on." She said and began untying his ties. "We need to get out of here. The whole building is on fire." Thomas stared at Teresa and pulled on the ties gently.

Teresa had managed to untie the first tie on Thomas' arm but was thrown to the floor by an angry Janson. Teresa grunted before looking up and crawling away from him. Janson got a hold of Teresa's legs and pulled her up by her hair. Thomas began to untie his other ties in order to help Teresa.

"No one betrays me!" He yells before pushing her head down on the tale forcefully which had made Teresa unconscious. Thomas got up and charged towards Janson, tackling him out the door and to the floor.

The pair stood up before Janson threw a punch at Thomas and many more punches between them both. Thomas threw Janson up against the wall and went grab him but ducked an elbow from Janson.

"Come on Thomas, thought you had more fight than that!" Janson teased swiping the blood off of his bottom lip. Thomas attempted to hit Janson but he ducked and grabbed Thomas shirt beginning to choke him. After a few seconds Janson released him and threw him to the floor.

"Pathetic! Jessica had more fight than you." He spoke and something in Thomas twitched. He hit a nerve! Thomas shouted a groan and turned around and threw endless punches at his enemy but Janson was more experienced and Thomas was thrown to the floor once more. "Fine! If that's the way you want to go."

Thomas got onto his knees and looked at Janson who was holding a gun but it was short lived when he heard a gasp from Teresa and the shock of her face as she saw Janson holding the gun.

All three of them were thrown to the floor after an explosion was aimed at their floor. Janson was on the ground and Teresa was making her way out holding the serum. Thomas was following her but he had an instinct to turn around. He looked at Janson and saw he was aiming his gun at them but more at Teresa.

"Teresa!" Thomas yelled pulling the brunette behind him as he lead her a different way. Janson shot his gun and Teresa bowed her head in an attempt to avoid the bullets and so did Thomas.

Thomas let go of Teresa as they entered a large interrogation room. Teresa looked at the door before turning to Thomas.

"We need to leave- Thomas?"

Teresa saw Thomas was holding his stomach where a patch of blood had formed. Falling to the floor Teresa ran over to Thomas before lifting up his t-shirt.

"Oh my god." She exclaimed before reaching into a draw of something andpulling out a bit of cloth and starting to apply pressure. The sounds of falling buildings and weak structures were nothing at this moment of time.

"Yo- you- you've got to go." Thomas breathed out finding it difficult to catch his breath. Teresa looked up st him and shook her head.

"Not without you." She said and looked back at his wound. Thomas felt himself going weak but something reflected that caught his eye.

"The necklace.. you ke-kept it?" Thomas asked raising his hand weakly to touch the necklace. Teresa nodded and smiled.

"I wouldn't take it off to save my life." She said and ran a hand over his face. The moment was interrupted by Janson banging on the door obviously trying to get in. "Stay here."


So, I'm sad to say that this story has only a few chapter left and I'm hoping to have them out by tonight or tomorrow and then I'll be working on Lost a lot more than the others.

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