Sibling Love.

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Magnus POV:

While we were waiting for the ambulance I was wondering why Jace and Izzy made a fuss over Alexander, I've never once seen them hang out together.

"So Isabelle and Jace how do you two know Alexander?" I questioned and the way their faces fell I could instantly tell they felt guilty

"well... he's our brother." Izzy said in shame, clearly felling guilty that she did nothing to help their brother.

However I was still shocked at this revelation that if I had water in my mouth I would've spat it out.
I started to wonder how they couldn't hang out with Alec since they're siblings but then I realised that they are part of the popular group whereas Alec hangs in the shadows which made me think they didn't care for Alec but then my mind went back to how scared Izzy was was she saw her brother beaten and bruised.

Before I could vocalize my thoughts the paramedics came in and assessed Alec, after the had assessed his injuries they took him on a stretcher and strolled him onto the ambulance.

Since I had found Alec I wanted to go into the ambulance and I didn't think his siblings would be brave enough to ask I made the decision to ask myself and the paramedics just nodded so I hopped onto the ambulance and rode with Alec to the hospital.

A few hours later.

Alec POV:
I tried to open my eyes but all it was way too bright and so I groaned out in pain and I heard  the most angelic voice ever... Magnus Bane

"Alexander, are you okay, please tell me your okay." He begged and I felt myself smile slightly.

Since my mouth was really dry I couldn't reassure him that I was fine so I just signaled for him to get me water and he must have understood because the next thing I knew he was bringing the cup of water to my lips so I could drink it.

Once I fully got used to the light I opened my eyes fully and I saw my siblings and Magnus in the room with me and they all had a look of relief plastered on their faces.

"h-how long was I out for, what happened?" I croaked out my throat still quite dry.

"You collapsed in the men's bathroom; Magnus found you in their beaten to a pulp by god knows who." Isabelle answered, who was still feeling immensely guilty.
"You were out for almost 12 hours we were so worried bro, I wish I was there to protect you, if only I have had known you were getting bullied, why didn't you tell us?" Jace almost sobbed out.
"I-I didn't want to tell you because I was embarrassed and I felt weak and afraid and I thought you guys would just laugh at me." Alec said hesitantly, his insecurities getting the better of him.

"We would never have laughed at you Alec, we love you too much, but from now on you are staying with us during school apart from classes." Jace said and I freaked out because since Jace and Izzy are popular they also hang out with Magnus and I wouldn't be able to stop myself from blushing like a crazy person.

"N-no its alright i'll be fine" I answered but no one was taking no for an answer
"No Alexander we can't leave you unprotected. Starting from tomorrow you will be sitting with us." Magnus explained and I couldn't help but blush at how protective he was of me.

Isabelle POV:

I was watching the interaction between Alec and Manus and I kept noticing that Alec would blush at anything Magnus said about him and then it clicked...

My brother has a crush on Magnus.

I mentally squealedAlec and Magnus would make such cute couple but I didn't want to voice my thought because I didn't want to embarrass Alec further, he would never forgive for that.

My thoughts were interrupted by Alec who had a concerned expression on his face; "Where is mum?" He asked and I immediately frowned.

"The school called her and she said that she didn't care and just hung up." And I atomically saw Alec tense up and before it got too awkward the doctor walked in saving the awkward questions.

"Hi I am your doctor; Dr. Morgenstern but you can Call me Val, it seems you ribs, cheekbones and nose were broken and you almost had a punctured lung but it just barely missed, do you know who did this to you Alec?"
At this point Alec tensed up again "I-I don't know who did this Dr, I didn't see their face."

I could tell by his posture that he was lying  'Oh boy are we going to talk.'
"Okay Alec well you will have to stay in the hospital for at least 4 more days and i'm afraid visiting hours are over so i'm going to have to ask you all to leave." Val said. and we all nodded in understanding.
"Okay Val, thank you. Magnus, Jace can I have a word with Alec alone please." I asked and they both nodded and they left the room.

"Alec I know you were lying about not knowing who hurt you so please tell me the truth, I won't tell anyone." I asked and Alec stuttered out, tears threatening  to fall down his face , looking more vulnerable than ever. "I-It wa-was Sebastian h-he hurt me he's b-been bulling me for a while now." Alec stuttered out and at that moment I vowed to protect my brother at all costs. "Alec, I'm so sorry we couldn't pro-" I was cut off by Alec "No Iz don't apologize you had no way of knowing ." I just hugged him and once the tears stopped I asked him a very important question "Soooo, I saw you blushing and Magnus, do you maybe have a crush on him."

"IZ, N-no I don't why would you even think that."

"Alec don't lie to me" I warned

"Alright, alright yes I do!, he's so handsome and kind but he would never go for someone like me."

"Alec don't think like th-"but I was cut off when Jace stepped into the room "Hey I, we have to go Doctor's orders we'll see you after school tomorrow Bro." Jace walked over to Alec and gave him a bro hug and with that we all left and I had some information to find out...

A/N That's it for the third chapter of this story, and i added in Isabelle point of view to spice things up a bit, but don't worry next chapter will be more focused on Magnus and Alec. What is Isabelle try to find out? xox

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