On The Edge

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⚠️Slight trigger warning for self harm (some has been cut from the original chapter as I felt u comfortable posting it) my dms will ALWAYS be open if you need to talk) ⚠️

Alec POV:

As we walked into the door we froze and I stiffened, my dad was in the house talking with my mother, I got very scared because my dad hated me even more then my mother, but they loved my siblings so at least I knew they were safe.

"Isabelle, how was school, anything interesting happen?" Da-I mean Robert said, not even thinking to say hi to me, which wasn't very surprising to me but I guess that's what I get for being the different one in the family.

Since I knew Robert and Maryse wanted nothing to do with me I decided to take my leave and quietly get to my room without making any un-nessasary noise or making eye contact and luckily it worked however before I made it into my room I tears formed from my eyes when I heard the next word that came out of my so-called dad mouth;
"God Alec, why must you still be alive, life would be so much easier without a burden like you." Even though I knew he hated me it still hurt to hear the words come out of his mouth, it made me feel like I didn't belong so I shut my door and locked it, making sure no one could get in.

Once I had locked the door I bursted into tears, luckily Jace was nowhere to be seen so he wouldn't have to deal with my annoying self, I'm glad he got out before he could see the real damage Not that it matters if Jace was here,my parents adore him it's like he was pure Lightwood blood and I was the adopted one; it just didn't make sense, Isabelle has it the easiest because she was always daddies girl and still is so she just acts like she adores Robert even though she hates how he makes me feel, however sometimes I feel like she isn't even acting and it shatters my heart.

Trying to erase the thoughts from my head I decided to take a shower to gather my thoughts, when I walked into the bathroom I turned towards the sink and what I saw disgusted me, I was almost sick.

It was me.

The bags under my eyes made it look like I hadn't sleep in like a year and I had bruises everywhere from getting bullied and beaten to a pulp. My hair was like a birds nest and the more I kept looking the more flaws I saw; I am too scrawny, my eyes looked too dull, my lips looked chapped; basically I looked like a total mess.
I fell to the floor in shock, i wasn't thinking straight which is why I did what I did...

I was on the floor with the razor in my hand, and the thoughts in my head saying, 'you're not good enough, you'll never be good enough, for your parents and definitely not good enough for Magnus,' I'll never be accepted by my parents.

I started to feel really dizzy; I could hear people yelling outside my door my I just ignored it.

I got up from off the bathroom floor on jelly-like legs stumbling over to my set of draws to pull out my first aid kit I got when Sebastian starting to bully me.

I pull out the only two bandages I have left out of the box and some medical tape and I start to wrap my arms up as I was doing this I get the guilt deep through me, however I took myself of out that futile because there was no point no one would miss someone like me.

After wrapping my cuts I pulled out some clothes; making sure to pick up a long t-shirt and got dressed, once I was dressed I decided to just chill on my bed and relax, I shifted slightly to get comfortable when a unbearable pain shot down my arms and I screamed in pain, luckily they were muffled by my pillows. And the fact that my parents were arguing again, probably about whoever has to deal with me.

To drown out my parents arguing, I started to think about school tomorrow which was the wrong idea as I started to feel a panic attack coming, I decided to call the one person who would bring me comfort.

I hope no one finds out what I've done.


Magnus POV:

I was just doing my homework when I heard my phone go off, it was an unknown number but I still answered curious as to who it could be.

"Uh... Hello, who is this sorry?" I asked nervously.
"Oh...Uhhh... I-it's Alec from Drama." Alec responded, I could tell he was feeling nervous so I tried to sound happy.
"Oh... Alec hi! How are you?" I asked enthusiastically trying to erase all thoughts of nervousness
"Well... ummm I-I just wanted to talk to someone." He explained and I felt really happy because he trusts me enough to talk to me about his life.
"Okay well do you want to meet up at the park and talk?" I questioned hoping he would say yes.
"Uh sure I'll meet you there in like 10 min- Alec get down here you dumb fuck... Uhhh sorry I have to go Magnus see you soon bye!" he said and quickly ended the call.
'Strange' I thought 'who would say something so mean about Alec.' I thought and I kept thinking until I made it to the park and waited for Alec, hopefully he was okay...

A\N  That's it for chapter 5, don't worry things are going to slowly start getting better for Alec. xoxo

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