Chapter 20-Back to old ways

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Alec POV:
After the news got out that me and Magnus broke up things have been slowly going back to how it was before I met Magnus and it showed me how much I actually need him to just be by my side because without him I feel sad and lonely and like a shadow but when I'm with him I feel like I actually matter and that I mean something to someone.
Another problem that has arrived again is that people have gone back to bullying me saying it was my fault that he kissed Camille and that I wasn't enough and will never be enough, and maybe they are right 'No you do matter' I shake those thoughts out of my head because if I don't I will spiral out of control.
After sitting through another painful lesson it was finally time to go home and see Magnus and the thought made me happy inside so I start walking to the front of school when I get slammed against the locker by none other than Sebastian "Look what we have here" he whispers, seductively "Get off of me" I hiss back, he clearly didn't like that I talked back because the next thing I knew my nose was bleeding and my jaw hurt. "Don't answer back dick!" he yells and while he was distracted I kicked him and he let go of me so I ran out of school and legged it to my house.
Magnus POV:
It was 30 minutes after school finished and Alexander wasn't home yet and it started to worry me until I heard the door slam shut and I ran downstairs to see a bloody and drenched in sweat Alec "Alec, what happened?" I asked, concerned "Sebastian happened." He replied and stormed up the stairs, I quickly followed him into his room, angry at Sebastian "I am going to kill him." I say but Alexander calms me down by pulling me into his embrace "Hey, I'm fine just a bloody nose I just need to have a shower then I'm all yours" he says and whispers the last part in my ears then walks off into the bathroom to have shower 'oh how I missed his hugs' I think to myself and I decide to go downstairs and make a snack for us to eat, I decide on pancakes and start making them.
While I was finishing up making the pancakes I felt Alec's arms slide around my waist and kiss, his cheek 'mmmm, pancakes my favourite' he says and turns me around to give me a slow but passionate kiss "I've missed you" he whispers while rubbing our noses together as I melt into his embrace "I've missed you too" I reply back and give him a quick kiss before I go back to finishing the pancakes. Alec decides to pick a movie to watch together while I plate the pancakes and we sit down in the living room to eat while watching the movie.
Isabelle POV:
I decided to go to Magnus' house because something seems off with their break up because they were fine before all this happened and they still live together so they can't hate each other that much, Jace, Clary and Simon decided to tag along as well because they wanted to know the truth.
Once we made it to the house, before we knock we look through the window and gasp, we see Magnus and Alec kissing "I'm guessing they haven't broken up then" Simon says "I guess so" Clary says back and I'm guessing we were too loud because when new look back Magnus and Alec aren't on the sofa anymore but outside on the porch staring at us "Now what are you guys doing here?" Magnus asks, while raising his eyebrows. "Well we came to see if Alec was okay after the break up but it seems like you guys are fine, care to explain" I say with a smirk and Alec blushes "Well..."
A/N sorry for not posting in so long but here is a chapter since I was free this lunch because I have no Homework. Enjoy! xoxo

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