Chapter 24 - The Best Feeling

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A/N This video has nothing to do with this chapter, I just love the video. *Not Mine*

Alec POV:

After 25 minutes of just sitting there, hugging, my sobbs slowly turned to snifles and then a sudden realisation came over me that had me breaking the hug "Oh my god, i'm s-sorry Magnus i've ruined your shirt and i probally look like crap." I said and looked to the floor, embarrassed, I only looked up when I felt Magnus put a finger under my chin to raise my head up. "Hey, you have no reason to be sorry for, i'm sure that it will come out in the wash and as for how you look, I don't care, I love you for not just your looks but for so may other reasons" Magnus Said and I felt my heart flutter at those three words, I still couldn't believe he loves me, out of everyone he loves me. "I love you too." I say meaning every word of it.

Magnus POV:

I still couldn't believe that Alec actually loves me, it seems so unreal, because since Camille I never thought someone would love me but here we are. after sitting in a comfortable silence for another 10 minutes, Alec breaks it, "I'm just going to go clean up my face i'll be back" he say and gives me a quick cheek kiss that gives me butterflies.

Once Alec had finished in the bathroom we went under the covers of his bed just snuggled together "Hey, you tired?" Alec whispered, trying not to break such an intiment moment "No, are you?" I whispered back, because I was wondering what he wanted to ask "No, would you like to watch a film on your computer?" He asked and I just not and qickly hop out of bed and go to my room to get my computer, when I get back I see alec sitting up in the bed, he looks up and spots me, he pats the bed silently telling me to sit next to him.

We finally found a film we both wanted to watch and we settled into a comfortable postion, we both ended up falling asleep not even an hour into the film.

Magnus' Mum POV:

When I got home, it was suprisingly quiet and all the lights were off, I got a bit nervous becaue I couldn't here Magnus or Alec so I decided to go and check their rooms, I checked Magnus' first and neither of them were in there, in fact it looked like no on had been in here all day, with my nerves through the roof I decided to check Alec's room and when I opened the door all my nerves floated away, Alec and Magnus were wrapped up together, asleep, with the computer still playing, so I quietly went to turn off the computer and put the covers more over them and kiss Magnus' cheek, goodnight. 'If I ever needed reassureance that Alec was the right man for Magnus, I have it now' I thought with a smile as I headed to my own room to sleep.

A/N sorry for taking so long with this chapter, I just didn't know what to write. xox

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