Chapter 31- A decision

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Alec POV:
It was a couple of days after the archery trip and I still haven't made a decision, so I decided to get a third opinion from Izzy. We decided to meet outside of a local cafe. Izzy doesn't k is what I'm about to ask her she just knows its important.
"Hey Alec, you okay" Izzy asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm okay, just need to talk to you about something" I answer, nervously; my hands are slightly shaking and Isabelle seemed to notice because she slowly put her hand over mine as a calming gesture.

"What ever it is I'm here for you okay?" She replied, softly and it helped ease my nerves a little bit.

"Yeh, okay, well the other day I went to the archery range with Magnus, and after I had finished shooting the targets, since I have gotten all bullseyes, I had an audience and this man came up to me and talked to me and it turns out he works for the olympics and long story short he wants me in his team." I say and Izzy squeals so loud that people turn to look at as and I blush and mutter a quiet 'sorry' and Izzy dials it down a notch

"OMG! Alec that's amazing, so what's the problem?" She asks, more confused than ever.

"Well I don't know wether I should take the deal or not since I still have a few months in school and uni and I might be too busy for archery?" I say, more anxious than before.

"Are you kidding me Alec, you should totally take this offer, think of what it will do for your future, you could be in the olympics, and about school, I shouldn't worry your grades are fine and you have me,Jace and Magnus to help, speaking of Magnus what does he think about This situation?"

"Well he thinks I should take the offer as well but I couldn't decide so I wanted to ask you as well and it seems you both ha ether same answer." I say and after hearing what both Magnus and Isabelle had to say I think I've got my answer
"Well whatever you do I'll always be proud of you Alec, now I'm sorry to cut this short but I have a date with Simon tonight, but I'll see you at school on Monday?"

"Of course Izzy, bye!" I say and we both go in opposite directions and I pull out my phone and type in a certain phone number, it rings a few times before someone picks up the phone.

"Hi, Mr John Verlac here, how can I help you" He says into he phone.

"Hi it's, Alec, from the archery range I think I have come to a decision about what you asked me" I reply feeling nervous again.

"Ah, and what is your answer then Alec?" He questions

"I would like to join your group Mr Verlac..."

A/N here's the next chapter hope you enjoyed (sorry for any mistakes It's quite late at night and I'm too lazy to check for mistakes) xox

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