Chapter 14 feelings

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Magnus POV:
After watching Netflix and kissing it was finally time to leave and walk to the park ( since it's not far away) so we put on our shoes and made our way to the park and when we got there we saw that Jace, Clary, Simon and Isabelle were already there clearly laughing and something Jace said. When we got closer Isabelle seemed to notice we had arrived and jumped up from her seat and lunged herself to Alec, who caught her and gave her massive hug "I've missed you Alec the house isn't the same without you." She said with a tear in her eye which Alec quickly wiped off "I missed you too Izzy but don't worry we will see more of each other I promise." He said before letting go of her a walking over to the others, he gave Jace a fist bump while just waving at Simon and Clary.
I just gave all of them a hug and sat next to Alec, resisting the urge to hold his hand or lean into him since no one knows we're dating yet, I look over to Alec and see that he looks so relaxed when around his siblings and it made my heart flutter and before I knew it Alec stood up saying that he had something to say and I knew it was time so I stood up next to him secretly taking his hand.
Alec POV:
' It's time' I thought to myself and took a deep breath "Magnus and I are a couple" I said as calmly as I could but on the inside I was freaking out, Magnus gave my hand a small squeeze which helped calm my nerves and after a long moment of silence Izzy squeezed really loudly, which hurt my ear drums "OMG I knew it you two make such a cute couple." She said with a smile on her face and when I looked around I saw everyone else with that same smile on and it made me relax and feel happy 'This is the only family I need' I thought looking around and everyone but my thoughts were broken by Jace "So, how did you guys become boyfriends?" Jace asked and Magnus started talking about our date and afterwards everyone had a proud look one there face and it made me tear up a little bit 'I couldn't ask for better siblings and friedns' I thought to myslef and beofre anyone could see I quicky wiped the tear off my face. "Congrats guys you make a cute couple." Clary said and I just nodded my head not trusting my voice because I felt like I would burst into tears if I spoke because this is the happiest I've ever been but of course it had to be ruined by...

Magnus POV:

After all of our confessions we just sat on the grass and chatted about our school week and our mine and Alec's dance project and as we were all getting comfortable we hear a voice that immediately makes Alec stiffen up "well if it isn't the fag of the lightwood family" I didn't even need to turn around to see who it was I could just tell by the voice 'Robert Lightwood'  but before I could say anything and protect Alec he said something that shocked all of us "Yes I'm gay Robert but I don't see why it is a problem to you anymore since I don't live with you or want anything to do with you." He said calming and with and ice cold stare but I could tell that he was on the verge of a break down. Robert spoke up again clearly not happy with his ' son' chatting back to him " How dare you talk back to me you worthless piece of shit you wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for us putting up with you but of course you became too much hassle and we couldn't look after you anymore" even though I could tell that it hurt Alec he didn't let it show " well I'm sorry for you have to deal with me but I'm glad you kicked me out because that meant I didn't have to live with you or Maryse and I wouldn't have met my boyfriend" this seemed to enrage Robert even more because the next thing I know he is running up to Alec and he just punched him straight in the face not caring that we were in public, but I'm glad we were because across from the park I saw a police officer make his way over to us "excuse me sir but you are under arrest for physical abuse" the police officer said and handcuffed Robert who was screaming out to let him go but the office was having none of it and eventually he had to tase him to stop him for fighting against the handcuffs "Are you okay sir he seemed like he packed quite the punch." The officer asked and Alec just nodded with tears stemming down his face so I went over to him and gave him a hug and just broke down and he was struggling for breath and I knew he was having a panic attack.

Isabelle POV:

After seeing Robert punch Alec and get put in handcuffs I looked over to Alec and saw that he was having a panic attack but I didn't go over because I saw Magnus start to calm him down and I didn't want to interfere so I just went over to Jace who seems as in shock as I was " So much for a fun day" I muttered.After a few minutes I see Alec walk over to us his eyes red and puffy from where he was crying "sorry guys I just need to go home, I'm sorry for ruining our meeting I promise to make it up to you guys later." He said but I just shook my head " you have nothing to apologise for that was all Roberts fault, we will see you at school" I said and gave him a quick hug before he took Magnus' hand and they started to walk over to the police officer to thank him and then they made their way back home and I couldn't help but think ' Magnus is perfect for Alec he couldn't have chosen anyone better.' And with that me, Clary, Jace and Simon made our way back to the little apartment that Clary's mum owned because none of us wanted to go back to the place we used to call 'home'

A/N that's all for chapter 14 hope you enjoyed, what would you like to see in later chapters. By the way next chapter will be their dance project and a special announcement is made to the school that shocks everyone but in a good way. Xoxo

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