Chapter 34 - An almost normal graduation

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Magnus POV:
It was finally time for me and Alexander to graduate and I was so excited to get out of this nightmare called school and o get away from Camille and Sebastian who have made our lives horrible; I just couldn't wait!

I was getting fitted into my graduation gown when the door swung open to reveal none other than Camille,
"Camille what do you want!" I snarl at her, I'm not in the mood for her antics.

"Oh nothing just wanted to see you, before we graduated and my my you look amazing Magnus" she said while looking me up and down and I scoffed.

"Yeah well can't say the same about you, now leave!" I yelled and pointed to the door hoping she would leave before Alexander got back, she was NOT going to ruin my mood.

"Well fine, I just came to say; don't expect this happiness to last with Alexander, no one actually loves you like I do" she said and kissed my cheek then left and I vigorously  wiped my cheek to get the lipstick stain off my cheek.
Once Camille left I looked over to the clock and saw that Alexander should have been here 20 minutes ago. So I went to look and for him and when I went into the men's bathroom I saw red...
(just a little warning nothing too bad happens here but just letting you know.)

Alec POV:
I was in my way to go meet Magnus to get our gowns fitted when I decided to quickly go to the bathroom, while I was drying my hands I heard the door open and I didn't think anything of it until I heard the voice that made my blood run cold...

"Well, well, Well what do we have here" Sebastian purred and it took all of Alec will power not to gag.

"What do you want Sebastian?" I said not kindly and Sebastian walked closer to me and as I tried to move out of the way my back slammed against the wall and I was trapped.

"I-I said w-what do y-you want" I stammer out, wishing Magnus was here.

"I want you." Sebastian said huskily and I let out a shaky breath as he came closer as he put his hand either side of me I struggled to get out of his make shift prison
"Let me go!" I yell but he just covers my mouth with his hands as I feel his hot breath on my neck.

"I've wanted to do this since I saw you with Magnus" he said and then started kissing my neck; I tired to go but it was no use, then he slowly moved upwards to my lips and I tired to get out of his grip but it was no use; his lips covered mine and I felt disgusted they felt wet and horrible, compared to magnus' which were always soft and perfect. I whimpered and struggled still trying to move but he wouldn't budge, then the door opened and I felt a surge of relief go through me as I saw it was Magnus, he ran over to us and pulled Sebastian off me and started to punch him.

"How dare you!" He roared and I've never seen him so angry I whimpered again as I slid down the wall and brought my knees up to my chin and Magnus forgot all about Sebastian and came over to me "you're okay I'm here now he can't hurt you again" Magnus said in a soothing voice as he tried to calm me down while I was sobbing

"I'm sorry" I whispered and he cupped my head in his hands.

"You have nothing to be sorry for it wasn't your fault come on let's get out of here" he said and pulled me up; I rested on his side as we left and I heard Magnus talk to Jace; something about Sebastian but I was too shaken up to listen an I just wanted to sleep home but sadly I couldn't I still had to get through this disastrous day.

A/N I think I will have one more chapter after this, round in everything up. But do t worry I will be making a second book to this about their live in the future (which I might include some stuff from this book e.g archery and family) xox hope you enjoyed this book

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