Chapter 32- The Right Choice?

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Alec POV:

"I would like to join your group Mr Verlac..." I answer

"Are you sure, Alec, this is a big decision and I want to make sure you have made the rigt choice for you."

Alec thought for a moment, was this the right choice? 'yes' Alec thought as his mind flashed back to what Magnus said 'oppotunits like this don't happen often'. My decision was made.

"Yes, i'm sure, I would like to join your group, if, you'll have me." Alc said, his insucurites getting the better of him.

"Are you joking?! We would love to have you on our team, however before we can start trianing I will need a signature from your parent, or carer then we can go from there. I'll text you the details, since now I have you number, but now I have to go but i'll send you the details later." He said and ended the call.

'Oh, No' Alec thought, he didn't think about getting a signature, 'my mum definitely won't sign it for me, there's only one option...' he thought, worriedly as he made his way back home.


Magnus POV:

I was on my bed reading when the front door opened, thinking it was Alec, I ran downstairs and I wasn't disappointed, there stood Alec, however he was not looking happy he was looking, worried? Concerned? I honestly couldn't read the emotions on his face and it scared me.

"Hey you okay?" I asked and that seemed to cut Alec out of his trance.

"Yeah, I'm fine why?" He asked, cautiously.

"Cause you zoned out for a good minute. How did the chat with Isabelle go, made a decision yet?" I asked, trying to take his mind off of what was worring him, but that seemed like he wrong thing to talk about because Alec immedialty tensed up.

"Um, yeah it went good, I called Mr Verlac and gave him my answer." He answered and my eyes lit up excitedly.

"So... What did you say?" I asked holding my breath, hoping he chose to work with his because it would honestly talk his mind off of everything.

"I said yes but.." I didn't let him finish the sentence becuase I jumped ito his arms and gave hima massive hug, he clearly forgot about what he was going to say becuase once I jumped into his arms he had a smile on his face, while he spinned us.

"I'm so happy for you Alec, so when do you start?" I asked and Alec face turned into frown.

"Well, I have to get permission from a parent or carer, before I can do anything. My mum sure as hell won't sign it for me so I don't know what to do." He said sadly, but the smile never left my face and Alec frown turned into confustion anf the words tht left my mouth shocked him more than I thought...

"Why don't you get permission from my mum?..."

A/N here's the next chapter, sorry it's so short. I might not be able to post very often for a couple of weeks because my exams are coming up but I'll try to post when I can. xox

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