Chapter 25 - This Isn't working

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*This takes place a couple of days after the last chapter*

Magnus POV:

After talking with Alec our relationship has never been better, apart from the fact that we can't be together at school, and I think it's really taking a toll on Alec because he comes home almost everyday with new bruises everywhere but he just says he 'fell'(which I don't believe) but I don't pressure him about it, but i'm really starting to think we need to call this whole thing off, I have even more confirmation when Alec arrives home with a bloody lip and a buised jaw "OMG Alec what happened" I say running up to him and carressing his jaw softly making sure I don't cause pain, "I'm fine It's just a little scratch, nothing I can't handle" Alec said and I felt the anger rise up in me, not becuase of Alec, but becuase of who is doing this and I think I know who did it "Was it Sebastian again?" I question and I know i'm right when he looks towards the floor or anywhere but at me. "Right that's it, this isn't working, we need to end this."

Alec POV:
"Right that's it, this isn't working, we need to end this" As soon as those words left Magnus' mouth my heart dropped 'he doesn't want to be together anymore' a voice in my head says ' of course he doesn't want to be with you anymore look at yourself' and the voice was right, I couldn't bare to look at Magnus I just turn and run out of the house, slamming the door, and pull my phone out to call Izzy, after 2 rings she picks up.

"Hey Alec what's up?" "Um..uh w-well M-Magnus just b-b-broke up with me" "Oh My God where are you?" "O-outside of Magnus' " "Don't move I'll be right there" She says and ends the call and after she ends it I break down into tears 'He probally never loved me, he just took pity on me' the voice in my head says and I try to drown it out but I can't, before I get lost too deep in my thoughts Izzy runs up to me and hugs me as I sob into her shirt "Oh Alec" She says and trys to pull me up on my feet "C'mon Alec we can go to Jace's" I just nod at her, emotionless as we make our way over to the car.

Izzy POV:

Magnus really did a number on Alec, as we make our way over to Jace and Clary's I take a quick glance to look at Alec and he look terrible, his eyes are red and puffy, his hair looked scruffy and his face held no emtion at all, when we get to Jace's I am going to call Magnus, and I will not be kind. We finally made it to Jace's house so I parked the car and we got out, Alec still hasn't said anything since he called me. "Hey what are you guys doing here?" Jace asks, then he looks over at Alec and immediately lets us in but not before pulling me aside "What's wrong with Alec?" he whispered "Magnus broke up with him and he called me, this is how I found him, he hasn't said a word the whole drive." I say back "Now please try to cheer him up while I go and knock some sense into Magnus" I say and I don't bother waiting for a reply before walking into the guest bedroom to call Magnus.

"Hey Isabelle, have you seen Alec?" Magnus asks after he picks up the call, clearly worried. "Yeah, he's with us at Jace's, I picked him up after he called me in tears saying you broke up, Magnus I've never seen him so broken and emotionless." I tell him and I can tell he feels bad becuase I can almost hear how close he is to breaking down. "I didn't break up with him" He blurts out without any explaination "Excuse me, what do you mean you didn't break up with him?" I question, non too kindly "I mean I didn't break up with him, It must've sounded like I didn't but he didn't give me a chance to explain what I meant" "And what did you mean exactly" I said more confused thn angry "I told him that we couldn't do this anymore after he came home with a bloody lip and a bruised jaw, he clearly thought I meant we couldn't be together anymore, but I meant we couldn't do the plan anymore, because it's hurting him and I love him too much to see him so hurt" After he said love I gasped "So this is all just a missunderstanding?" I question, trying not to soud too excited at the fact that Magnus loves Alec, "Yes, but I can't get ahold of Alec, he won't answer my texts or calls, can you please help me?" He asks and I can hear the hurt and pain in his voice, he clearly feels guilty "Yes, I will help you but don't ever hurt my brother again, are we clear?" I say sternly hoping he gets the message "Yes of course I never meant to hurt him in the first place, thank you Isabelle." He says and ends the call. 'Time to help Alec see sense and show him how big of a missuderstanding it was.' I think with a sigh as I go back into the living room to find Alec.

A/N Wow worst missunderstanding ever, hope you enjoyed this chapter, comment any ideas for furture chapters if you like. xox

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