Chapter 13-Boyfriends or Boy Friends?

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Magnus POV:

After the most perfect date with Alexander I asked him to be my boyfriend and he said yes! I've never been happy in my life. After we got back we snuck in some kisses and went to bed together.

I woke up first and looked over to see the time; it read 8:00 I figured it was still too early to wake Alexander up since it was a Saturday so I just stayed in better and snuggled closer to him, as I got a closer look at him I could see his chest moving slowly in and out with little snore coming out of his slightly parted mouth and his sleeves were slight rolled up and I saw a bandage wrapped around his arms which confused me because I've never seen them before 'I'll have to ask Alec about that later' I thought. About 25 minutes later I start getting bored so I start pecking his face with kisses which, in response he crinkles his nose and says "Alright, alright I'm up." His voice is still horse from waking up but It still sounds beautiful. "Morning, Beautiful." Alec blushes "M-Morning." "hmmm... what do you say we meet up with your siblings and hang out?" I asked because we have nothing else to do. "Uh.. Yeah sure." He seemed slightly hesitant "What's wrong?" I question "Well, will we be spending time with them as boyfriends or Boy Friends?" he asked and before I could answer he quickly added "I don't mind either don't feel pressured." And I start falling harder for this boy because he cares about me more than Camille ever did.

"We could tell them we are dating each other if you want, I mean Isabelle already knows that I like you so I'm sure they won't be surprised." I say and I see Alec visibly relax as he puts a soft smile on his face "I would like that." He says and leans in to kiss me so I meet him halfway we couldn't kiss for long because we heard a knock at the door "Alec, Magnus time to get up!" My mum yells and we both get up and I go back to my room to have a shower and get ready for the day.

Alec POV:

After talking to Magnus about seeing my siblings I quickly text them before hopping in the shower, my cuts still sting slightly but not too much since it has been a couple of weeks since I did it and since I started 'dating' Magnus I haven't thought about cutting again because Magnus makes me really happy and I just want to make him equally as happy. Once I get out of the shower I get changed into some ripped jeans and a black top that is a little tight and then I grab a jacket, wallet and phone; when I look at my phone I see I have a text from Isabelle:

Isabelle: What time do you want to meet up and where and can we bring Simon and Clary?

Me: Meet at the Alicante Park at 12 and you can bring Simon and Clary :)

Isabelle: Great can't wait! :)

I put my phone in my pocket and head downstairs to grab breakfast but when I get there I see Magnus and His mum talking quietly and when I start walking closer they stop 'weird' I thought but I decided not to speak up about it "Morning Mrs Bane" I say "Morning dear and please call me lily you live in my house so no formalities." She says and I just roll my eyes playfully to which she laughs and hands me my breakfast. "What are you two doing today then?" she asks and Magnus answers for us "We're meeting up with Alec's siblings today." "Sounds like fun just be back for 8:00 please" she says and kisses Magnus on the cheek and I see a small blush rise on his cheeks but to save him further embarrassment I chose to ignore it. "Oh by the way I told Izzy to meet us at Alicante Park at 12 and they are bringing Clary and Simon is that okay?" I ask "Yep, well its 10:00 now so what do you want to do for a couple of hours?" "Hmmm... we could watch a Netflix." I suggests and he just nods, so we go over to the living and put on some random T.V show while sneaking in kisses from time to time until it's time to go.

A/N Sorry for the random uploads just been busy with school but now I have a week off which is good but we go back on the day of the start of season 3B which is annoying but whatever hope you enjoyed xoxo

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