Chapter 11- The Important Question

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Magnus' POV:

After my lessons on monday I decide that I wanted to spoil Alec and take him on a date, since we only had one lesson together I just texted him.

'You busy after school x' I send and he quickly responded

'No, I'm not busy why? x' Here goes nothing I thought to myself as I sent the text.

'Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date.' I asked, assuming he was going to say no but again he surprised me

'A date... Sure when and where?' My heart fluttered in my chest he agreed to a date!

'Great! How about on friday at 6pm and don't worry about where leave that down to me just wear something casual.' I replied with and before I could see if he responded the bell rung signnalling that class was over but that meant the end of the day but it also meant I got to see Alexander again, the thought made me smile as I walked out of the school and waited for Alec at my car.

Camille POV:

Since I was in the same class as Alec I could see who he was texting and I was not happy to find out that it was Magnus, I decided to take a closer look and when I saw that Magnus had asked him on a date I almost lost it but I kept my cool 'time to have a little fun' I thought to myself and since I sat next to him I could start my plan right away. "Who you texting?" I asked sweetly trying to seem kind "Oh... N-No one." He said, he seemed surprised that I was talking to him, which he should be since I am too popular to talk to him but whatever. "Well it looked like you were talking to Magnus" I said and I saw his shoulders tense." Yeah I was, he wants to meet up on Friday." He said "Oh where?" I asked hoping to get some infomation out of him "Ummm.... I don't know he didn't say." *RING* 'Damn' I thought as Alec started packing up his school items and left class but soon I will be able to make Magnus mine again.

A/N Sorry for not uploading i've been really poorly the last few days. Also sorry for the short chapter the next one will be a time jump to the date let me know in the comments what you want to happen in the date. xoxo

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