Chapter 28- hidden talent

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Chapter 27 was cut out you haven't missed anything don't worry

*Song Alec sung when Magnus walked in (changed she to he)

Magnus POV:
Since the whole incident with Camille and Sebastian I haven't left his side, at school, unless he needed the bathroom or if we had different classes.
It was a Tuesday and me and Alex had different lessons so we had to spilt up, it was now lunch and when I made it to the cafeteria Alec wasn't with his usual group of friends, in fact he wasn't in the cafeteria at all, I suddenly felt uneasy but decided to walk over to the table anyway "hey guys, have you seen Alec anyway" I asked the group but mainly Jace since they had the same class before lunch "no, as soon as the bell rang he ran off in the opposite direction and before I could follow him he already disappeared" Jace said and I just nodded, disappointed he wasn't here but I still decided to each lunch with them anyway.
After finishing my lunch I decided to try and find Alec so I started to make my way through the school and after 10 minutes of searching I found in the music room, singing, and his voice was angelic, he hadn't noticed I was there so I just stood there, in awe of his voice.
I met a superhero
I lost him
I want him back
He did things to me that no one else could
And I miss that
Don't wanna talk about it
I was so wrong about it
Can't do a thing about it now
'Cause they say if you love him let him go
And they say if it's meant to be you'll know
I met a superhero
I lost him
I want him back
He did things to me that no one else could
And I miss that
I met a superhero
I lost him
I want him back
He did things to me that no one else could
I miss that
I miss that
I miss that
I miss that
I miss that
I miss that
Don't wanna talk about it
I was so wrong about it
Can't do a thing about it now
Don't wanna talk about it
I was so wrong about it
Can't do a thing about it now
And they say if it's meant to be you'll know
I met a superhero
I lost him
I want him back
He did things to me that no one else could
Damn, I miss that...
After he finished the song I clapped and that's when he finally noticed my and blushed the darkest shade of red I have ever seen "wow Alexander that was..." I was utterly speechless
"Um.. t-thank I guess, how long have you been there?" Alec stuttered out "long enough to know who have a beautiful voice, why didn't you tell me you could sing" I said and Alec blushes again 'god I would never get used to his blushes' "well I just thought it wasn't something interesting, and you might find it stupid" Alec mumbled "Stupid! Your singing is far from stupid, how many people know you sing?" I questioned, I was utterly intrigued "o-only you" Alec whispered and I gasped, I was the only one who had the privilege of headlining Alexander turkey heavenly voice "wow Alexander, you must promise to sing to me more" I said and I heard him chuckle "of course, Magnus anything for you" he said and it was my turn to blush, he slowly can closer and connected our lips together in a soft yet passionate kiss while his hand cupped my jaw and I wrapped my arms around his waist to help my balance, we finally broke apart for air when Alec whispered "I will never get tired of your kisses" and I had the hugest smile on my face. 'I haven't been this happy in a long time'
A/N sorry I haven't posted in a while but I have been busy trying to get back into my school routine as well as getting test and homework left and right. I'll try and post again this week but I can't promise anything xox 😊🤞

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