#57 Score!

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#57 Score!



I stood up and screamed at the top of my lungs for my step brother.

My brother put his arms up in the air while his team mates were patting his back. He looked over at me with a proud smile. My friends and I held up our poster that said "We love you Chicharito". It's cheesy, I know, but I have to be supportive of my bro. I mean he worked so hard to be here in Manchester.

"I'm going to grab something to eat, do you guys want anything?" I turned to my friends. They all shook their heads and continued to watch the game intently.

I walked past the crazy fans and went down to the food stands. I watched the soccer fans, or football here in Manchester, walk around and yell excitedly to their fellow friends. I gave the cashier my money and he handed me my popcorn. I began walking back to the stairs when I swore I heard someone yell "Hannah!"

I turned really quickly and ran straight into this man who was probably drunk, which caused my popcorn to fly everywhere.

"Oof!" I grunted as I landed on my butt.

Everyone turned to look at us. the plump man looked down at me with anger laced in his eyes. I must have spilled his beer down the front side of his shirt.

"Watch where you are going stupid girl." He growled.

"I-I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"You are going to pay for this-"

"Excuse me, I believe she apologized, besides it was an accident." Some guy about my age dropped down to my side and helped me sit up.

I looked at the kind stranger in amazement.

"Here, hopefully this will cover the damage." He handed the semi-angry man some small amount of money. The guy shrugged then left.

"Are you alright love?" He looked down at me.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you." I felt so embarrassed as he pulled me to my feet.

He began to chuckle.

"What?" I asked.

"You have some popcorn in your hair." He laughed as he reached upon my head and pulled out some pieces. His face was very close to mine, and his emerald eyes kept switching from my hair to my eyes.

"But seriously thank you for getting out of that whole messy situation." I laughed at my lame joke.

"No problem, lets just say you were a damsel in distress... who likes Chicharito a lot..." He smiled as he saw my jersey.

"Oh that's my brother." I adjusted my shirt.

"Seriously? That's awesome! I-"

"Robbie, stop flirting and lets go!" Joked his group of friends a little ways down from us.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming," He blushed, "Nice meeting you."

"Same to you." I smiled.

He winked and began to walk away.

"Robbie, wait!" I shouted.

He turned and raised his eyebrow. I ran over to him.

"Would you maybe want to um, get a smoothie or something after this?"

"Yeah, I'd like that. Here." He got a hotdog napkin and jotted down his number.

"Cool." I smiled like an idiot.

"Just let me know when and where." He smiled and joined his friends.

This was a personal goal that I would never regret in my future. Score!!!!

This is for Dancer9816 :)

Hey guys, so I'm changing my system of requests by 2 ways.

1. Recently I have been getting a lot of "Can you make me an imagine please???" And for me personally it's just easier if you just request and not ask if that makes sense. So please if you make a request, just put something like "Hi! My name is ______, I want these characters to be involved:______, and the plot to be______"

2. Please please PLEASE don't request "you can make it up" or "a romantic imagine" I have found it very hard to start coming up with free choice imagines after writing 57 imagines so if you can, please only request if you have a certain plot for me.

Sorry if I seem annoying or whiny for asking for these changes, but it's get VERY hard for to find time to write or come up with ideas. I am trying my best but I also want to focus on my new book that I'm updating every once in awhile. Thanks for understanding!

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