#61 Unexpected Savior

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#61 Unexpected Savior

"(Y/N)! Come back!" My father yelled from the ship, but it was too late. I already dove into the thrashing waves.

"Where are you going?" he pounded his fists down onto the railing.

"Anywhere away from you!" I treaded water while looking around for a place to swim to.

"Come back here this instant!" He yelled over the roaring waves.

"No!" I spotted a dark island and my heart told me to swim as fast as I could, anything to do to get away from that evil man. He was going to force me to marry some boy with a wealthy family name who doesn't even care about his kingdom. Why should I be forced to be bonded to some rude stranger forever just because my father wants more money?!?

After what seemed like an eternity of swimming in the dark seas, I rode a final wave which crashed onto the sand.

"Ow..." I lifted my head, "What is this place?"

The sand beneath my feet squished in between my toes. The smooth beach transitioned over to a rough terrain. I looked around the dark trees and realized I had no idea where I was going, or what was around me.

I heard a distance echo near by.

"Who's there?" I grabbed a long stick next to me.

There was another snap.

I spun around quickly, "Show yourself, don't be a coward!"

"If you insist" said a voice behind me.

I turned to see a boy about my age leaning against a tree.

"Who are you?" I held the stick out in front of me.

"No one you need to be afraid of, love." He appeared right in front of me, making me jump backwards.

"And what might your name be?" He said circling me.

"I-it's (Y/N)." I stuttered.

"Well (Y/N), I feel like you are going to like it here." He walked toward me, almost too close for comfort.

"Where am I?" I backed up as far as I could until I was practically flat against a tree.

"You're in Neverland my dear." He whispered in my ear.

"Wait- Neverland? As in you are-"

"Peter Pan." He grew a wicked grin.

I have heard about him, and what he has done to many boys throughout the kingdom. Everyone calls him the bloody demon because he takes boys to be his minions, and once he is done with them- let's not even think about that.

"What's wrong dear?" He lifted my chin.

"Don't touch me." I hissed and turned my face away.

"Oh, now-now-now, don't be like that," He grabbed my arm.

"Let me go." I tried to pull my arm out of his tight grasp. He began to squeeze harder out of anger.

"A little feisty I see," He got right in my face, "I like that."

I couldn't take it anymore, I spit right in his face.

"Argh-" He stepped back. This was my chance to run. I began to sprint in any direction I could find for as long as I could. I glanced over my shoulder to see if he was behind me when I crashed into someone, sending both of us down on the floor.

"Ow." I looked over to see a blonde boy with a scar across his face.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

OUAT/ROBBIE KAY ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now