get to know me!

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My name is Kiana Barksman and I'm an 18-year-old female. My mother and father had me at age 18, I know really young for a kid. They had me right after graduation meaning they couldn't do much with their lives but take care of me. I know it's a bad thing but I feel like it's all my fault that their lives went to shit. I'm a shy person and I don't normally speak up about my feelings. My best friends are Olivia, Maddy, and Jessica. We are all in our Senior year of high school. Maddy and I have been friends the longest out of the whole group, so none of the girls in our group were surprised when we chose to apply to the same college.

After changing so many different schools my mom and dad decided to move to California and stay there for my whole high school career. I mean I won't lie I am pretty happy and grateful that they did that for me. If I ever had a child I would feel horrible for moving them everywhere and anywhere their whole life. Since I moved a lot, I was bullied and made fun of a lot. Ever since that, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. I do take medications for it so it's not like I can't control myself. Anyways, I am a YouTuber with about 6 Million subscribers and 4 Million followers on each platform. I do cover songs on my channel with things like makeup tutorials and such.

I have medium-long hair and am very tall. My eyes are a brown color and my lips are a bit fuller. I look nothing like my dad but a lot like my mother did. My life with them is a bit of a hell hole. My dad hits my mom and I run away at night and go to my friend's places. I've tried to get my mom to leave him but she just won't, it's like shes attached to him. One night when I heard them in the basement I went down and tried to get my dad away from my mom and he hit me so I just walked away and left it at that. I ran so far away that night that I didn't go back home for days upon days. I tried so hard to stay away but I couldn't help but think about what I was doing to my mother all because of some asshole who thought he was better than his own daughter.

Welcome to my life in hell.

A/N: hey yall, so I have decided to finally post this and wish this story luck because I have no idea if yall are going to like it

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A/N: hey yall, so I have decided to finally post this and wish this story luck because I have no idea if yall are going to like it. So, here you go!

Safe Yet Sorry//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now