Chapter 12

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A/N: This chapter contains things that will trigger some people like sexual abuse, physical abuse, and suicidal thoughts. Read at your own risk if you have a tendency to get triggered by these things.


As soon as we got off of the bus I noticed a big crowd standing in the front waiting with signs with Brendon and such on them. I wasn't holding Bren's hand because he just told MTV that we weren't dating so I didn't want him to seem like a liar. I stuck with Maddy and then I had a couple of girls run up to us and ask us for pictures and videos. One girl gave me and Maddy pictures she had drawn of us with notes. I promised her I would read mine when I got to the hotel. I then noticed that lots of people were around Frank, Eva, and Brendon. So Maddy and I went to a bench and sat down. We laughed and joked around until everyone finished their little meet and greets.

When everyone finished Maddy and I went to the tour bus and immediately picked where we would be sleeping. I immediately picked the big room they only have one of on every tour bus. I put my things away and then plopped myself onto the bed. Maddy crawled in and laid next to me. Surprisingly no one had come onto the bus yet so we were alone. She immediately pulled her phone out and went on Instagram live. Me, on the other hand, pulled out the girl's letter and started to read it to myself quietly.

"Dear Kiana,

I just wanted to thank you for being you, I'm so happy that you're getting to read this because that means that I have met you. I just wanted to tell you that your story you have shared with all of your fans had helped me a lot. No matter what people think, you are amazing. I'm so happy that we as fans have been able to be with you through everything you have gone through no matter what.

You have helped me in so many ways, you are the reason I'm alive today. I know you might be confused but I'm gonna explain everything to you. When I was about 13 years of age my father decided to walk out on me and my mother. Meaning she was really depressed, so I had to take care of a drunk mother every night when I came home from school. That was until she got a new boyfriend. Then she started t disappear for days on end and not call or text me to tell me she's okay. One night I came home and my mom and her boyfriend were drunker than normal so I decided to just immediately go into my bedroom and get ready for bed. After I did my homework I laid in bed and started to fall asleep until my mom's drunk boyfriend came into my room and raped me. My mom didn't believe me so I had to live with him. He started to physically abuse me and my mom every day when I got home. That was until one day I tried to overdose in my bathroom and they had to call the police for an ambulance. I was cutting myself on top of the abuse, so when they talked to my mom privately she told them everything. The rape, the abuse, the constant cutting, everything. They arrested him and put my mom in the room next to mine, little did I know, my 'stepfather' had been cutting my mom every night when I went to bed because she would try to get him off of me when he would hit me in front of her. YOU saved me when I was gonna actually jump off the building of my biological dads work building. YOU made me and my mom laugh when no one else could.

You made me into the happy girl I am today just by being yourself. Thank you a lot for doing what you do. Maybe one day ill be like you.


I cried while reading it because I couldn't imagine what it would be like for her to go through all that. When I finally calmed down I noticed that Maddy had crawled into her bunk and left mine. As soon as I followed Ashlyn on social media I laid down and turned off the light, then I heard someone crawling into my bunk.

"Ki? You still awake?" It was Brendon, he scared the shit out of me.

"Yeah, what's going on, love?" I was about to sit up but he laid in the bed with me and cuddled his body next to mine.

"Just wanted to make sure you were the one sleeping in here before I crawled into bed with a random stranger." Brendon shoved his face into my back lightly and closed his eyes, "Good night princess." were the last words I heard him say before I fell into the dark abyss called sleep.

Safe Yet Sorry//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now