Chapter 18

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     It took me a total of fifteen minutes to write my new song called 'Love Me or Leave Me'. I knew what Alec was saying might not be true, but I needed to find out if it is. I was writing another one when Pete walked in and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry for my behavior earlier. It was wrong for me to judge you or get upset abo-" I interrupted him with a hug

"Stop saying sorry for being a human, it's okay I'm not mad." I kept hugging him, I felt bad for making him think that I was mad.

"Thank god, I was worried that I would have to buy you something to make up for it." Pete chuckled and then pulled away from the hug, ''What are you writing?"

"Songs for tonight, they're for Brendon." As soon as I said that Pete took the notebook and started to read them

"You are taking Brendon's spot anyway, he is gonna be at the show late. So what I will do is when he gets backstage, I'll give you a thumbs up and that's when you start to sing the songs." we planned what was gonna happen at the concert that night.

     It was about ten minutes before it was my turn on stage. I was freaking out, let me tell you that. I practiced my show in front of Maddy and Grayson and they loved it! That made me feel a lot better when I went on stage. As I walked onto the stage, I wasn't as nervous as I was earlier. While I sang my normal songs and did my normal segments I saw Pete give me a thumbs up, that was when I saw Brendon come to the side of the stage and watch the rest of my segment. 

"Okay you guys, I am gonna sing a couple of new songs for you guys. I hope you don't mind." That was when I heard the music start, "You used to tell me that you loved me once... What happened, what happened? Where is all of this coming from? What happened, what happened? You say I'm crazy and there's nothing wrong. You're lying and you know I know. Baby, what have we become? What happened?.." I looked over at Brendon while I was singing and I saw something in his eyes that I couldn't pinpoint.

"We used to never go to bed angry...But it's all we ever do lately...And you're turning away like you hate me. Do you hate me, do you hate me, oh. You can take this heart, Heal it or break it all apart...No, this isn't fair. Love me or leave me here, oh, oh ha ha. Love me or leave me here, oh, oh ah ha. Love me or leave me here, yeah. Do you remember when you loved me once? What happened, what happened? And you'd hold me here just because, What happened, no. We used to never go to bed angry...But it's all we ever do lately..." While singing I started to cry.

     When I finished singing, I looked over at Brendon and saw that he was crying a bit, Sarah, on the other hand, looked absolutely pissed off. While I finished my part in the show, I walked off stage and walked past Brendon, leaving him there in his own pity.

Safe Yet Sorry//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now