Chapter 3

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     As soon as I got to school all I heard about was me and Brendon on Instagram live together. I just tried to shake it off and ignore everyone's accusations about Brendon and me being an item. It just didn't feel right that they were talking about him that way, but that's people at my high school for you. They could give a shit less if they ruined someone's rep. During the fifth period, we had Study so I chilled in the library with Maddy and Olivia like I always do. We were all happy and enjoying the last day of school until something happened, a girl called Maddy an Olivia fat and slutty. She, of course, called me the same names but that is not what bothered me at all. No one calls my friends names but me. I got up and saw one of the boys we were friends with recording me but I could care less. I was hoping he got what I was about to do on camera.

"Say it again you stupid bitch." I was standing closer to her than everyone expected "Go ahead I'm right here, say it you stupid cunt."

"You and your friends are fat sluts. I won't repeat myself again you, stupid whore " is all she could say before I punched her straight in the face.

"Not so tough now huh?" I  yelled punching and tackling her, fighting the pressure of her trying to get me off of her.

"Let go Kiana!" she yelled but lots of people didn't help her they watched and recorded me do it because everyone hated her and was fed up with the type of person she was.

Finally, I got off of her and kicked her in the side by her ribs "Also, if I was dating Brendon Urie you'd be the last person I would tell. You know why? Cause people like you don't understand what the word privacy means. You go and blab to the whole world and more until you destroy the last happy thing in a persons life. So don't you ever talk to another person like that because you had to learn the hard way what people could do to you in return." as I started to walk away I turned to face her on the ground again "Also, next time you want to pick at other peoples bodies. Make sure you are truly thinking about how you would feel if someone started to do the same to you." with that, I walked out of the library holding my bag
While I sat in the bathroom waiting for next class Maddy and Olivia came to talk and thank me. Even though I was being thanked I had a gut feeling that it was all over the internet. "BING!" My phone went off and I checked it. It was my group chat of the Dolan twins and some of our other friends "Kiana that video is literally everywhere. I'm proud of you." Grayson had sent me that and I just left him on read.
I was checking my social media's and such in the next class and I saw brendon mentioned me in a tweet. 'Great' I thought 'more torture for me until I get to go home' I thought too soon. The tweet read 'everyone asking about Kiana the girl I was on Instagram live with this morning I'm clearing this up. We don't even know each other and we have never met. MEANING WE AREN'T DATING NOR ARE WE A THING. Therefore I'm disappointed in all of you for harassing her and such on social media and at school. Kianas a tough and talented girl and I don't want you guys to ruin any future friendship for us. So enough with the comments and stuff. Seriously.' I smiled to myself and tweeted back at him 'BEST FRIENDS! IM DOWN BEEBO LETS GOOOOOO'
then while scrolling I saw he had direct messaged me 'give me your number butthead' is what he had sent me. So I did exactly that. Wait why do I keep doing what he says so fast? Oh boy please tell me I'm not crushing on him already. Ugh we've only talked once. This is gonna be great.

Safe Yet Sorry//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now