Chapter 9

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"Go, bitch! Eat his face!" Maddy was cheering until a sleepy not so great looking Grayson covered her mouth. She elbowed him in the stomach so his hand stopped touching her lips.

"Stop yelling, I have a headache and that isn't making it any better." Grayson was in his boxers and that was it.

"It looks like you were the only one to get any last night Maddy." I smirked and kept playing with Brendon's hair

Eva walked down the stairs with Frank, "Hey guys, what's going on."

"Gray and I caught Kiana and Brendon making out down here." she shivered like she was grossed out by even saying that.

"WHAT?!" Frank was being incredibly loud so Eva hit him in the arm, "I mean what?" he said it again making him seem like a cool kid.

"Well, if you wanna get even over here Maddy and Gray fucked last night." I was not gonna let that down

"WHAT?!" Eva was now the one yelling and we all started to laugh hysterically because of her face.

"Oh god, someone make her sit down she's gonna have a heart attack." Frank pulled Eva to the couch and made her sit down. "Okay, now everyone, explain what happened in an orderly fashion and no yelling."

"Since you guys weren't in here, I will go first." I took a deep breath, "So, Brendon and I slept in the same bed last night. I woke up early this morning and he gave me medication. Then I fell back asleep when I woke up again afterward I noticed that Brendon wasn't in bed with me so I went searching for him. i found him sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand. We hugged and then he told me that he made all of us soup, then he said that Eva took pictures of us and put them online. So, I went and checked to make sure that people weren't sending me hate messages and such, but then Beebo turned on the Tv and MTV came on. They immediately started to talk about me and Beebo saying some things and we called in and talked to the lady. Brendon shut it all down, he told the fans not to send me hate and such. hen he hung up and kissed me while I was speaking. Then we smiled and I kissed him again and that's when Maddy walked in." I was looking at Frank the entire time I talked, but he, on the other hand, was looking at the comfy Brendon trying not to laugh as he saw Brendon was laying on my lap as I played with his hair.

"That's it?" Frank started to laugh and so did Eva, "Maddy made it seem like you guys were sucking faces down here."

"Yeah, sorry we weren't sucking each others faces down here." Brendon laughed and continued to play on his phone.

"So, you and Grayson?" Eva pointed at the two and Gray nodded

"His ass nearly broke me in half." Maddy started to laugh as everyone just stared grossed out. "What! He's got a good stroke game!" she started to twerk on Grayson and I covered my eyes.

After all that mess, I started to hum the tune to New Perspective By Brendon and then I heard him start to sing it quietly. I stopped humming and played with his hair as he sang quietly. Frank, on the other hand, was screaming lyrics to a song in the bathroom while he showered. Maddy and Gray were cuddling on the couch near us. It seemed like we were all couples even though we weren't. It was nice. Olivia had texted me and she was already home.

Brendon and I were taking silly pictures and such until he ended up falling asleep on my lap. Maddy started to text me while the boys slept.

Daddy Maddy: Sis what's going on?

Me: Not much, honestly you and Gray are cute

Daddy Maddy: I could say the same about you and Beebo over there. Does he make you happy?

Me: Honestly yes, and I know its bad but I'm so happy that I met him. he already has the pictures of me and him as his backgrounds on his phone. I just don't know if I'm gonna be able to make him happy.

Daddy Maddy: Don't you see that he is already happy by you just being around? If not you're stupid. You think what you want but he loves you already and I can see it

What if what I am thinking is wrong?.......

Safe Yet Sorry//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now