Chapter 7

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A/N: Supppp, so the picture above is what the character is wearing. This is a longer chapter so be prepared for that one as well. Hope you all like it!

As Brendon brought me downstairs I saw everyone stare. Even Frank who was taking peoples money and giving wrist bands was looking. Luckily, Maddy got onto a table and started to dance so they all started to dance and stopped staring at me. I had to do a double take when I saw a guy dancing with her but I immediately saw that it was Grayson Dollan. I dragged Brendon to the door where Frank was when I saw the girl who I had beat up at school trying to get into the party.

"No, you can't come here I'm sorry. You are nothing but a rude bitch and I don't need that energy here." I immediately had someone escort her out and gave her the money she had given Frank back. Brendon was still by my side, holding my hand. I turned to face him. "Go have fun, drink, and smoke if you'd like."

Brendon frowned, "I don't wanna leave you." he hugged onto my waist and kissed my head

"Brendon, I'm serious go have fun. Get a drink and go wild. I'll be okay." I rubbed his face with my thumb and pulled out of his grip. After pulling away from him I went and got myself a red solo cup full of a mixed drink Maddy made me. Her ass was almost drunk already! I shook my head and danced with Taylor Caniff and Cameron Dallas. They were my boys on YouTube and always helped me out when I needed it. While dancing with them I noticed that Brendon was on his phone smiling and talking to whoever he was talking to. Then I heard my name being yelled in a familiar voice, Aaron.

"Ooo! Everyone welcome Aaron to the party! He was a long time sweetheart of Kiana's and he is back in town after being on tour!" Maddy was screaming into the microphone as if no one could hear her.

As soon as I saw Aaron I jumped on top of him, "Aaron!" I was already drunk so I was slurring my words.

"Relax, Ki" he chuckled and patted my back. From the corner of my eye, I could see Brendon. He looked so sad for some reason but I didn't care, which was even weirder.

"I missed you, Aaron!" I was still on top of him.

"Same here love." He pulled away and then left me standing there. I missed him but I didn't still like him. As he left me, I drank more and more and became so intoxicated. I was dancing on tables and screaming the lyrics to a Fall Out Boy song, I took off my shirt.

Frank was trying to get me down but he couldn't. Then Aaron came back and danced with me, or should I say we were grinding on each other. That was until he was touching me ways I didn't like, "Don't touch me like that.." I pushed his hands away from my body but the kept going back to where they were. That was until he was pulled off the table by someone and I hear screaming.
"Yo, fuck boy she said stop. So fucking stop." It was Brendon. His voice was hard and stern but when he looked up at me his eyes were soft and caring.

"Back up, you know nothing." Aaron tried to push Brendon but he ended up pushing me.
I fell off the table and hit my head on a chair, "fuck.." I was holding my head as Brendon came over and picked me up.

"You're okay I've got you." He took me upstairs with Frank and Eva following behind us.

"You got this Brendon, or do you want me to stay here with her?" Eva was asking but I knew she really just wanted to stay.

"I got it. It's time for bed for her. She's gonna be so sick in the morning. And I promised her that I would take care of her if she let me come." Brendon laid me on the bed and I looked at him giggling.

"Do you need anything at all?" Eva asked while Frank came back with a bottle of Aspirin and a couple bottles of water

"Yes, my boy Dallon is dropping off a bag of my clothes can you just grab it and bring it up for me?" Brendon was being so polite so Eva nodded and she and Frank went downstairs. "Come on now let's get you cleaned up." Brendon lifted my legs and pulled off the pants I had on. Since I had on no shirt he pulled one of my bigger hoodies onto my torso. He then helped me take off my bra, he must have had practice cause he was good at it. He smiled seeing me letting him help me.
"You're cute" I poked his nose with my finger and giggled. While I was doing this Eva came up with his bag of clothes and handed them to him. As soon as she saw me touching his nose she laughed and walked back downstairs.

"Thanks, honey." he smiled and changed into a pair of basketball shorts

I knew I was going to say something stupid at some point in time, "Damn take those off, Papi" I tried to grab onto his pants but he grabbed my hands and held them together.

"Not tonight, you are drunk off your mind. I don't want to take advantage of you." he let go of my hands and locked the door so no one could try to come in unless they knew the code. He then pulled off his black t-shirt and laid down next to me. I knew I would thank him for doing that in the morning.

"Will you be my boyfriend Brendon?" I asked him with no fear or thought into what I had just said at all.

"Ask me when you are sober. Then I will answer the question." He kissed my head and readjusted his body "Now go to sleep." He turned off the lamp on the nightside table and that's all I remember.

Safe Yet Sorry//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now