Chapter 2

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As soon as I woke up the next morning I got into the shower. I then went downstairs in my bra and underwear since my parents were already gone and I don't give a shit if the neighbors see me. They're old people so it's whatever to me. Anyway, as I was downstairs I grabbed a bottle of water and brought it upstairs with me so I had something to drink while I did my makeup on Instagram live. As soon as I went upstairs I threw on a t-shirt and sat at my vanity. I started my Instagram live and smiled at the phone

"Hey you guys. I'm gonna need yalls help, today's the last day of high school for me. So should I do a full face of makeup?" As I read the comments I noticed they were all saying yes."Alright, thank you guys" After reading the comments and talking to the people a little bit I started my makeup. While doing my makeup I noticed that everyone kept spamming the chat saying something about going to check my twitter. So since I was using my iPad to be live I went on my twitter on my phone and say that Brendon Urie had tweeted at me. As soon as I saw that I died inside. Why was this happening to me out of anyone?

I read the tweet out loud "Damn you have killer vocals and whoever saw you last night was lucky! Sorry, I missed it but I had practice with the band! Maybe I'll see you at your next gig!" and the video attached was of me singing at my spot in the mall. As soon as I read that I then saw people in the comment on the live spamming "Brendon shes reading your tweet!!" that was when I wanted to sink into a hole and die.

Brendon Urie was in my Instagram live commenting and watching me read the tweets he was sending me.

"Oh, Jesus I'm so embarrassed oh my lord" I wanted to hide my face so bad because I didn't know what to say or do.

Then I saw his account had commented again "Request for me to be in the live I wanna be in this with you" So I immediately did what he said, I requested his presence in my live. Not even two minutes later did his face pop up on my screen "hey!" he immediately talked

"Uh, Hi Brendon. I'm a big fan of yours." I tried not to be creepy but it was hard when he could see the poster of him in the background on my wall next to all the other random ones.

"Well, I'm a big fan of yours. You are friggen amazing and I have a song request." As soon as he said that I started to put on my makeup seeing that I was gonna be running late if I didn't.

"okay request away beebo." I started to do my eyeshadow while I waited for him to figure out what song he wanted me to sing.

"Why don't you singe Death Of a Batchelor" when I heard him say that I got kinda scared because hat his own song and he wants me to sing it for him.

"Okay want me to put on the music for the background or no?" I had just finished doing my winged liner on my right eye.

"Nah just raw vocals." I nodded and started singing

"Do I look lonely? I see the shadows on my face People have told me I don't look the same Maybe I lost weight I'm playing hooky with the best of the best Put my heart on my chest so that you can see it, too I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall. The lace in your dress tingles my neck, how do I live? the death of a bachelor Oh oh Letting the water fall. The death of a bachelor Oh oh Seems so fitting for Happily ever after (woo) How could I ask for more? A lifetime of laughter At the expense of the death of a bachelor" I stopped singing and looked at the iPad to see Brendon's mouth wide open and every spamming hearts in the comments."You okay over there beebo?" I thought he was frozen for a second.

"Uh yeah, i-i'm good... Jesus Christ..." I giggled and did my highlight

"Y'all don't make beebo uncomfortable" Brendon laughed and closed his eyes

"Will you sing more for me?"

I nodded "I'll sing anything that you'd like me to." I then got up from my chair and put on some pants.

"Anything you have in your little mind I'll be okay with" he smiled and blushed, watching as I pulled my pants on.

"Okay." I started to think and then started to sing. "I don't wanna hear you've got a boyfriend...Sometimes you're better off alone.....But if you change your mind, you know where I am...Yeah if you change your mind, you know Where to find me...'Cause I don't ever wanna be your boyfriend...and never did I think that I, Would be caught in the way you got me...Push another girl aside and just give in..Girls love girls and boys...Girls love girls and boys...And never did I think that I Would be caught in the way you got me...But girls love girls and boys...And love is not a choice" I smiled and sat back down looking at Brendon and I then noticed that there was another figure standing next to him.

"You were so good that Dallon had to come to watch."

Dallon chuckled "You are really good, I'm glad Brendon had me follow you last night." I didn't know what to do other than laugh and smile, then I noticed that I was going to be late for school if I didn't go.

"Thank you guys, really. I do have to go though, because I'll be late for school if I don't." I smiled and sprayed myself with perfume

"Okay, ill come on here next time you go live." Brendon responded and I nodded and smiled

"I'll be on before the party tonight you guys! I'll see you all tonight! Byee!!" I waved at the camera and got off Instagram live.

Safe Yet Sorry//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now