Chapter 8

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     As soon as I woke up I felt so sick, I knew this was gonna happen but I partied anyway. I pick my head up and see I was laying my head on a shirtless Brendon. He was awake and looking at me, "Good morning, here take these" he handed me two white pills and a bottle of water.

"Thanks, I don't know what I would do without you." I immediately took the pills and drank some of the water. I then laid my head back down, "Did you drink last night?"

"No, I know you told me I could but I just couldn't bring myself to drink and then not be able to take care of you." He was playing with my hair.

"Thank you, for everything." I closed my eyes and snuggled my head closer into his stomach.

"No need to thank me, seriously." Was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep again.

As i woke up i noticed that i was in the bed alone, it felt weird and cold. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to see how bad the disaster was going to be. As soon as I opened my bedroom door and made my way to the stairs I noticed the mess was cleaned and Brendon was sitting on the couch with a beer. "Bren?" My voice was quiet because I still had a headache. His eyes immediately shot up and looked at me. He got up and walked over to me, as I stared into his eyes he hugged me. I obviously hugged back.

"How did you sleep?" While we hugged I noticed that he left his phone unlocked on the coffee table. The background was a picture of me and him sleeping. Who in the hell took that?

"I slept good. But I missed you in bed" I pouted and pushed my head into his chest

"Oh, I'm sorry. Your friends are all in the guest rooms asleep. Maddy and that Grayson guy are in bed together. I don't know if they are naked or not. I didn't check" Brendon then kissed my head, god did he make me crazy. It felt good just to be loved. "Oh also, I made some food with the help of Eva. It's in the pan on the stove. Eat as much as you'd like. It's all for you and your friends"

I let go of him and went to the stove. I took the lid off the pan and saw chicken noodle soup with rice instead of noodles. "You knew?" My face lit up like a Christmas tree. That was my favorite soup and he already knew that. I mean Maddy will thank him too but I was the most excited I've ever been in my life. "Thank you" I walked my ass over to him and hugged him some more.

"Anytime. By the way, Eva put pictures of us sleeping on Instagram and Twitter." I knew he was smiling I could feel it, but me, I was petrified on what people were going to say about me online.

"Why would she do that, she knew I got a lot of hate already" I grabbed my phone from my pocket and opened Instagram. The first thing that popped up was a picture of me sleeping on Brendon's chest and him asleep under me, cuddling me back.

Brendon had sat back down on the couch and turned on the Tv. Immediately popped on an MTV news. The woman in a black dress started to speak, "Breaking news, US pop punk band Panic! At The Disco's front man Brendon Urie and guitarist Dallon Weeks spotted at a YouTubers house. Now Dallon was reported to have shown up later in the night with a duffle bag, then spotted leaving empty handed. Brendon Urie has been spotted early that afternoon at the high school of one Kiana Barksman. Local YouTuber had been tweeting with Brendon all day until the two left her high school. Kiana and Brendon have been spotted sleeping in the same bed together by another local YouTube couple named Eva and Frank." The picture of me and him from Instagram popped onto the television, "Now we don't know what these two are, from earlier sources Brendon had tweeted telling fans that they were just friends and he was telling people to leave Kiana alone." I sat next to Brendon who was paying close attention to the Tv. "Now, what we do know is that these two were on Instagram live together yesterday morning and Brendon was acting a bit off. Here's a clip." They showed the clip of me singing and Brendon sitting there silent with his jaw dropped. "Are these two a couple? Call in and tell us yourself-" that was all she had to say before I picked up my phone and called the number. Luckily I was the first person, "Hello caller, who am I speaking to"

"Hello, you're speaking with Kiana and Brendon right now" I giggled and put the phone on speaker.

"Oh really, this is a shocker! How are you guys?"

Brendon spoke before i could "We would be better if people would mind their own business" he sighed "I just wanted to state. To everyone listening and watching right now, that me and Kiana aren't dating. We met yesterday for the first time and you all just assumed everything. Yeah we slept in the same bed. Boohoo. Cuddling isn't a sexual thing. We've never kissed or had sex so why would we be together."

As Brendon spoke I watched her on the television and her smile was gone, "I'm sorry to hear that Brendon. We certainly never meant to make the two of you uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form. Is there anything else you'd like to add?"

Brendon thought for a second then spoke again, "yes I would, if any of you watching leave Kiana hate and you consider yourself a fan of me. I hope you know, that you aren't wanted in my fandom and I would hate to see you in person. People who hate on other people are disappointing and I dislike them. So remember that next time you're on Twitter or Instagram. If you send someone hate, no matter who they are, I won't like you in person or online. That's how it is and that's how it will be." Brendon was so pissed off because he had seen that my Twitter was being blown up with nasty comments by fan pages for him. "And as for why I'm here with Kiana right now, that's no ones business but mine and hers." Brendon then hung up the phone and turned off the Tv. "Sorry Kiana. She just really really pissed me off when she started speaking" he laid his head on my lap and looked up at me.

"It's okay, love. You actually made me happy. It showed me that you actually care and that's all I've ever wanted from som-" I was cut off by his lips attacking mine. I hesitated but kissed back. God did this feel good. He made me feel like no one else existed in this cruel world, it was just me and him. That was until he pulled away.

"God, I wanted to do that all night." His smile was wide and goofy. I didn't know what to say, so I pushed my lips back into his and kissed him hungrily but softly. His lips tasted of beer and I didn't mind at all. I was loving every part of this until someone walked into the living room and saw us...

Safe Yet Sorry//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now