Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey yall, so the pic above is Frank and Eva. They are emo gods and deserve everything in life! Go support them by following their twitters and Instagrams, also sub to them on YouTube

As we drove we sang along to the radio, we sounded really well together. Actually, I should say he sounded good because he sounded way better than I could ever.

Then he spoke up, "Can I uh pick one?" he was referring to the music and I nodded.

"Go ahead, my phones right there Beebo" I watched him pick up my already unlocked IPhone and pick a song. It was Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood and I loved that song so much.

"This one is probably one of my favorites to sing." I smiled and sang along with it until it got interrupted by a phone call. It was my best friend Frank, so I quickly smiled "Sorry about that hold on." I answered through the Bluetooth feature "What's up, Frankie?" I asked after answering

"That video is everywhere Kiana Yvelise!" god did I hate when he used my middle name

"Fuck you saw it didn't you?" I looked over and saw Brendon smiling at himself

"Yes, I did! You're in trouble!" He was yelling but that was normal for frank

"I'm sorry emo dad please don't kill me" I choked out laughing and Brendon was dying of laughter next to me.

"Who's with you right now Kiana Yvelise?" Frank sounded like an actual dad

"Hey, it's Brendon" Brendon spoke before I could say a word. Then I heard Frank Screaming for his girlfriend

"HOLY FUCKING HELL! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" His screams leaked from the speakers and filled my car

"STOP YELLING YOU'RE RAPING MY EARS ASSHOLE!" I yelled back. I wanted to cover my ears but I was driving and I couldn't. Brendon was practically pissing himself because he was laughing so hard

"Fuck sorry" Frank was almost hyperventilating "Brendon I love you so fucking much. Your music is my fucking life and I'm gonna fucking pass out holy shit.." he stopped breathing so heavy and took a drink of something

"I've watched some of your videos it's been a pleasure" Brendon was still dying of laughter

"Frank wheres Eva I need her help for my party tonight, she has to help me with my outfit." I sighed after speaking because I knew that Frank was going to say something about Brendon going to the party

"I'll go get her and have her get ready to go over, wait. Is Brendon going to the party?" Do I know my best friend or what?

"No Frank, he has better things to do other than hang out with my boring ass." I replied with a bit of attitude hoping Frank would yell at me and say I was grounded

"I'm coming over with Eva and you are getting spanked, missy." He laughed in mid-sentence because we joked around like this constantly

"Noooo, I'm sorry emo daddy please don't spank me!" I was choking in laughter as I drove

"Seriously though, me and Eva are coming now. See you in like 5" he then hung up

Brendon was laughing hysterically at in the passenger seat "so that's your best friend?" I nodded in response "well I wanna come to your party tonight if you'd let me."

I then froze "You don't wanna come seriously. Im gonna be so plastered. And I don't think it's going to be a good idea that you're around me"

"I'll take care of you and everything. Please just let me comeeee!" I sighed but nodded and before I could speak he kissed my cheek and hugged me as I parked in my driveway "THANK YOU OH JESUS LORD I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA HAVE TO SNEAK IN"

Immediately as I got out of the car Eva pulled into my driveway and Frank got out of the car. I ran and jumped on top of him and then Eva jumped on me and we were all on the ground, then when they rolled off of me Brendon decided to lay on top of me.

"Damn what did I miss?" Frank said staring at us. Brendon giggled and started to tickle the shit out of me.

"FUCK NOOOO! STOP NOOOO!" I laughed but when I turned I noticed that Frank was tickling Eva now. Those little assholes. "If you don't stop I'll chop off your dick you fucking anal loving hobnocker." Right after I said that he fell back laughing. I then sat ontop of him and started tickling him "how do you like it huh?!" He was laughing so hard that he started to cry.

"If you don't stop and get off of me. I'm going to g-note you." Eva was talking to frank seriously.

He then got off and ran into my house yelling "no please don't I'll jump! I'll do it!"

I ran after him "NO! I LOVE YOU DAD!" I jumped on him and hugged him "I missed you, thanks for coming with Eva." I then got off of him, i haven't seen him in ages due to school and work shit. I turned around helping frank up and saw brendon coming inside with Eva.

Safe Yet Sorry//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now