A Young Freesia Bud

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I'm a young girl, 10 to be exact. I'm living in the Sengoku era in Japan. Apparently, there are demons and monsters roaming around everywhere in this era. I don't know if the world is suppose to be like this or not, but it's something that I don't understand and it's something that my parents don't understand really either. In fact, no one that I know knows much about demons and monsters. Since it's something that is said to be out of our world or realm, it fascinates me, I guess it's because of my age and imagination. Back to my introduction I suppose, I'm a single child, our family is a middle class family that holds the titles of lords and ladies. We have maids and groundsgreepers so I suppose I'm living in an alright society, my maids are the ones that usually take care of me since my parents are always going out for important meetings and such out of town. Somedays, I don't even see them. Although I don't interact with them as much as I would like, I know they aren't uncaring. Being young, I like to go out and explore the outside world, but my maids and caretakers always tell me to be careful because of demon attacks. Not to leave out any details, there is a jewel out there, it's called a Shikon Jewel or something. At this moment I heard that it is shattered and the shards are all over the land. This shard has the power to enhance a supernatural being, I don't know how it works but it's intriguing. I just wish someone can tell me more about these demons. Are some of them like us humans? Do they have human qualities, do they look like us humans or do they have horns and such? With all these questions I really want to meet one. I've heard of demon attacks in other villages but then there are these group of people who would then save them from those demons, news travel across the land. I wonder if I'll ever meet these "heroes" that the villagers call them. But being young, I'm told that I should focus on growing up healthy and strong, have fun as much as I can, marry off into a good family and learn new things as I'm part of a noble family. Growing up, I love flowers, especially the cherry blossoms. I want to learn about flowers and I suppose I do a little bit thanks to my caretakers and maids. One day, I'm in my room taking care of a Freesia flower that was given to me by my mother and father a few years back. They gave me the Freesia flower because it symbolizes me: innocence and thoughtfulness. Although young, I was raises to be thoughtful and caring to others and learn to understand others. My youth on the other hand shows my innocence.

"Another year and I'm about to be 11 years old, I'm surprised I still managed to keep the Freesia flower alive for 3 years." I say to my maid, Sazanami.

Sazanami is 4 years older than me, she is my personal maid but I see her more like an older sister than a maid. She has been with me since I was 6. Sazanami helps me water the Freesia's back side that I couldn't reach on the table.

"It's because of your persistence and thoughtfulness of its existence that it's still alive. The Freesia suit you nicely indeed_________." Sazanami says with a warm smile.

"Do you think I'm going to get a new flower when I become an adult?" I ask her again.

"I'm sure you will, I'll buy you one if you really want one, a flower that will symbolize your blooming beauty." Sazanami says fixing my hair.

I smile at her words and nod. A knock is heard at my door and my mother slides open the door. Sazanami and I both stand up and Sazanami bows to my mother. She gently gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze and leaves the room. My mother walks up to me and takes my hand, she sits the two of us down on my futon and smooths out my wrinkled kimono.

"___________, mommy and daddy needs to go on a 2 day trip to meet up with another lord and discuss about important matters between the two towns. We won't be back in a few days so you'll have to be alone with Sazanami again till we get back." My mother tells me.

I let out a frown, and let out a loud exhale.

"I want to go with you and daddy on this trip, I want to see the outside world a bit more. Please please?" I say to her putting my hands together in a pleading gesture.

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