Flaring Rubies Amongst The Quiet Flames

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Not long after, I finally arrive back into the village. The sky has practically turned black by now, the moon is out and the stars are faint in the sky. I hop off of Boshi and head to the big hut, I assume that they just finished dinner. It feels good to be back, I feel like I'm home again. Except, I have a goal to see through. I tie Boshi to the stable and I stand outside of the hut, I can hear talking. The voices of Miroku and Inuyasha's voice are the most evident, suddenly it goes quiet. I ready myself to lift up the curtain, I take a deep breath.

"You coming in or what?" I hear the familiar tone of straightforwardness.

The curtain lifts up and I'm greeted with bright amber eyes and white dog ears. Inuyasha leans against the door frame and looks at me with a slight grin.

"How did you know?" I ask him slightly taken aback.

Inuyasha casually taps his nose, and it hits me. How did I forget, he's a dog demon. He remembers my scent. I let out a laugh, then Kagome steps out from behind Inuyasha, she smiles as she sees me.

"___________! You're back! Thank goodness you're alright." Kagome say coming out and hugs me.

"Ya, I'm finally back, sorry for worrying you guys." I say hugging her back.

"You had something to take care of, you're not a young girl anymore. We believed that you would be able to take care of yourself. Of course, if it lasted more than a week then we would have went out to look for you." Miroku says coming out with Sango.

"Indeed, we're glad to have you back safe and sound. Not to mention, you look happy as well. Did things work out?" Sango asks me.

I smile and nod my head.

"Yes, Naraku and I have come to understand one another. Actually, it was I who has come to understand him. I actually convinced him to come back with me." I tell them.

Inuyasha's brows slightly furrows, his ears twitches a little.

"No wonder his scent is so strong on your body still. Why did you bring him here?" He asks me.

"Because I wanted you guys to see that he's not the demon that you all once knew him as. He has changed, I want you guys to give him a chance, to see the new him that I fell in love with." I tell them.

I look at Kagome, her expression soft and she shows me a smile. I knew that she's willing to give Naraku a chance.

"Where is he right now?" Sango asks me.

"Just on the outskirt of town on the hills, I wanted to come here and let you guys know prior so that you can prepare yourselves." I explain.

"I'm going to rip his head off." Inuyasha says grabbing his Tessaiga.

"Inuyasha calm down. Let's go and see Naraku. From there on out, we'll see and decide if he has really changed for the better. If you want us to see the real him, then don't jump in to cover for him alright? Last time you did you almost died." Kagome says holding my hand.

"As long as no violence are used, then I'll let Naraku handle everything, otherwise I'll be protecting him just like last time." I say firmly.

"Negotiating now are we?" Inuyasha says with a slight sarcasm.

"Wouldn't you do that if you were to protect the ones you love?" I ask back with a smile.

"___________ really has grown up now. She's not the cute girl that she once was, she has grown up into a strong and independent woman." Miroku says with a smile and a sigh.

Inuyasha raises his eyebrow in response with a light-hearted grin. Without anymore seconds to waste, I guide Sango, Miroku, Kagome, Shippo, and Inuyasha back to the hills where I left Naraku. Sango asked Lady Kaede to take care of the twin girls and her son for the time being, anxiety filled me as we walked in the night lit by the single moon. Although nervous, but I'm holding on to that hope that everything will be alright. The steps seems heavy, but they eventually bring us to the hills. Standing at the edge looking out at the horizon is Naraku, I can see his dimly lit silhouette laced with a silver outline.

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