Deceiver Becomes The Deceived

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A day and a half of travelling, it's going to be tiresome, but I'm determined to see this through. Boshi and I have already travelled for a few hours already, the sun is beginning to set, since I left in the afternoon I'll be arriving by tomorrow night. I'm frustrated slightly but I just have to suck it up if I want answers. The blue sky has slowly turned orange purple as evening slowly rolls in, I'm surrounded by the quietness of the open fields around me. The sound of hooves walking on gravel echos in my ears, it sounds so sharp and loud. As we moved forward, I begin to think. After seeing Naraku again at the stream it just seemed like all logic disappeared from my mind, I just rushed out like this. I mean, I haven't seen Naraku in a month basically, what would I say to him when I see him again? What would I ask how would I react? Would he even show up? Endless questions runs through my mind, questions for Naraku and questions about my confidence in this whole situation. I let out a sigh, I feel so depleted. If he doesn't show up, then my trip would have been for nothing.

"No... I won't let it, I'll wait for him. I'll wait till he comes around, my home is only half a day away from the cherry tree, I can go home and rest and come back the next day." I tell myself.

I can't go to Naraku's castle because I don't even know where it is, but I know how to get to the cherry tree. It's a special place for me, and hopefully to him as well. Not wanting to waste anymore time I snap Boshi's reigns, he rears his head slightly and picks up speed again. The quiet breeze turns into wind in no time, it carries my long hair behind me as I look out to the horizon that I'm aiming for. After traveling another few hours, the sun has set completely, the stars are out again accompanying me along the trip. Boshi seems tired, and my tailbone is sore. There were no trees around, only the big open field. It's not ideal to be sleeping out in the open but it looks like we have no choice. Luckily I brought the two big towels with me to keep me warm, I hop off of Boshi and guide him to a part of the field with a lot of grass. I lay out the blanket and I sit down on it, Boshi started eating the grass around us. I eat a bit of the food that Kagome packed me. I look around the land that is veiled in navy blue and black, the horizon seem to go on forever. I just hope that my effort won't be in vain. I decide to head to bed so that I can wake up earlier in the morning.

"Goodnight Boshi, don't stray too far." I say to him as I pat his mane.

I then lay my head down onto the towel, since there's no pillow I feel my head almost sinking into the soft grass, the endless dark space fills my vision and the stars seems hypnotizing. I unconsciously started to play with one of the bracelets, my fingers were turning it in circles and tugging at it. I also unknowingly started to count the stars as well, I suppose it can help me doze off. I hear Boshi pulling the grass from the ground not too far away, and hear the crickets chirping loudly. As I listened, my finger slowly come to a stop around the bracelet. All the sounds around me all come together to almost form a lullaby, combining into a rhythmic beat. In no time, I fall asleep as soon as I close my eyes. When I wake up the morning sun has hung itself amongst the sky, I sit up, my back hurts slightly and it's stiff. I stretch my arms in the air and twist my waist side to side, the cracking of my joints feels satisfying and refreshing. I need to set off as soon as possible so that I can get to the cherry blossom tree sooner. I look around for Boshi, he's eating grass not too far away. I quickly eat something and pack up the towels, I go and retrieve Boshi. I hope along the way we can come upon a stream or a lake so that I can wash up. Boshi and I gallop through the endless plains, the late spring breeze awakens my senses. After traveling for a few hours I hear the falling of water in the distance, straining my ears and the smell of water, I lead Boshi to a waterfall. The sunlight reflects off the surface of the water, the sound of nature flowing through the clear water is dazzling and mesmerizing. I guide Boshi to the edge of the water hole, he starts drinking the cool water. I dip my hands in the water, the sensation feels refreshing. I cup my palms together and gather a handful of water, I wash my face with it and drink from it. I feel my energy coming back to me, I sigh at the coldness. After freshening up and Boshi had his fill of water, we set off again. Hours and hours go by, morning soon turns into afternoon, afternoon passes and early evening arrives, the unfamiliar road has started to look familiar once again.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now