A Merciful Intervention

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I open my eyes to a setting sunlight coming through the wooden window, my head is spinning with dizziness, I immediately sit up , the whole room spins for a few seconds. I hold my head and I look around, I'm back in the hut in the village, I look down beside me and I don't see anyone in the room, Naraku isn't here. That was when it all hit me at once, the last time that I held Naraku... he was lifeless, his eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing. He was dead the last time that I held him, I feel my heart drop immediately. I get up and I run outside of the hut, the early evening sun causes my eyes to squint from the lingering migraine. I find the direction of the big hut and I run towards it, when I finally arrive, it was quiet. I lift the curtains aside and I stumble in.

"Inuyasha! Kagome? Are you guys in here?!" I ask as I fall onto the ground.

I see all of them sitting around the wooden table quietly with a solemn expression. Sango looks at me in shock.

"___________? You're awake?!" She asks.

Kagome hurriedly rushes to me and helps me up, they all looked shocked. I looked around, Miroku, Lady Kaede, Inuyasha, Rin, Shippo, the kids, Sango, and Kagome are all here. They are all here, except for Naraku. He's really not here. I grab Kagome's arm as tears starts to well up in my eyes, I have to hold on to her so that I won't lose my mind.

"Naraku...Kagome, where is Naraku?" I ask her.

Kagome's already solemn face falls even more, she looks to the side.

"We tried to revive him there and after we all came back, but we were unable to save him, he was hit in the heart indeed. We have placed his body in an empty hut so that he can be at peace." Miroku tells me.

"I have to go to him..." I say unconsciously.

"__________ you need to stop, you passed out for a day, you can't add more strain to your emotions and health." Lady Kaede says.

I shake my head side to side, I get up, Kagome helps me up.

"Please Kagome, take me to him. I need to see him." I beg her.

Kagome sighs, she looks conflicted. I know they care for me and my feelings, I personally feel that I'm emotionally unstable right now, but I have to see Naraku. Inuyasha then stands up.

"I'll take you to him__________." He says.

"Inuyasha..." Sango says quietly.

"Thank you." I say to him.

Inuyasha walks out. Kagome gives my hand a squeeze. I follow him out of the hut, they all come out as well. Inuyasha's hair swayed side to side as I watched him walk in front of us. Each step feels so heavy, a part of me don't want to see him, but a part of me had to see the one person that I truly loved. A few minutes of walking through the village, we finally arrive outside a hut that looks almost like a small shrine. Inside, is Naraku. Inuyasha opens the door and he stand aside, he looks at me with his amber eyes and he gives me a solemn nod. I take a deep breath and with Kagome beside me, I walk inside the dim room. Rin stayed outside with Shippo to look after the children. When my eyes finally adjusts to the room, I see Naraku lying on a wooden platform in the middle of the room. His arms are laid on his side, and his eyes are closed. He is wearing a white kimono. He looks absolutely godly despite being a demon. The white of his attire with his black hair is a beautiful combination, unfortunately, this is a corpse, Naraku's corpse. I feel my legs give way, and I lose my strength to stand. Kagome grabs onto my arm, Sango comes up beside me and helps hold me up. Everything feels so unreal. I couldn't even cry, or talk.

"________...." Kagome says solemnly.

I find my strength again and walk up beside the platform, I look at Naraku's flawless face, he doesn't even look like the Naraku that I loved, I know its him still but without the blue attire that I gave him, he doesn't even look like him anymore. I wish that it wasn't him, I wish that there wasn't a body lying here in front of me. I wished that Naraku stood beside me back in our own hut, I want to feel his hand holding mine again. I collapse onto the ground again and I take Naraku's cold hand in my warm ones. Reality finally hits me when he didn't respond, my tears finally starts falling. Naraku died once, he got a second chance in life and now he's gone again. How could this happen? I feel frustrated that I couldn't save him, I feel that it's so unfair that I just got him back not too long ago and to lose him again. It pains me. Kagome comes down beside me and holds me as I cry.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now