Deep Feelings Within Shallow Waters

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I open my eyes to the brown of my ceiling, I stretch and my back cracks, it feels nice. I yawn and I sit up. Another day and another travel, but I'm anticipating it a lot. I let Atamashi hop around my room as I quickly go wash up, after washing up I return back to my room. When I open my door, I see something zipping from mid air to the ground. It surprised me. Turns out it's Atamashi, he managed to lift himself off of the ground but wasn't able to maintain long enough in the air.

"Atamashi! You're so close to flying! Amazing job! You'll be flying in no time. Come on let's go eat some breakfast and head off to see Naraku." I say picking him up.

I grab my stuff and head out to the eating hall, my parents and Sazanami are already seated. I sit down in my spot.

"Morning, are everything packed for your trip?" I ask them.

"Yes, everything's on the carriage, and you?" My father asks me.

"I don't have much to take with me, I'm coming back in two days." I say to them.

"Right, as always, be careful on the way there and home." My mother says.

"You guys as well." I reply with a smile and a nod.

We ate our breakfast quickly so that we can get an early start on our seperate trips. After strapping my bundle on Boshi's saddle I hop on, my parents and Sazanami get on their carriages with a few servants to accompany them.

"Well, guess we'll be seeing each other in two weeks time." Sazanami says to me.

"Yes, make sure you enjoy the trip, the road there and when you get there. Many wonders awaits you." I say to her.

"I will. Take care of yourself alright. We'll see you soon." She says with a smile.

"It's time for you to take control of this house with our absence, eventually, you'll be the master of this house when we leave. We trust you___________, you're a grown up now. Responsibilities are now laid upon you, I know you'll be a young woman with a lot of potential. Take care dear." My mother says with a smile.

"Thanks mother, I will." I reply.

I give my father a nod and with a snap of our reigns, we head off towards the exit, and when we reach the outskirt, we head off into opposite direction towards our desired destination. I gallop on the gravel laced road, my hair is flying behind me. Atamashi is snugged cozily in my kimono. Hours go by and the sun is starting to set, but I suppose Boshi rested well last night, he's galloping faster today. At this rate I think we'll get there an hour earlier than last time. The sky is pale blue with a slight lace of orange in the distance, I arrive in the forest area and tie Boshi to another tree surrounded by luscious grass. I take the bundle with me and walk through the serene forest filled with the voices of nature. In no time, I return to the all so familiar Cherry Blossom Tree, when I arrive, I smile as I see the person standing underneath it looking up at the flowers. As I see his flawless presence I feel an overwhelming feeling deep inside, perhaps I know what it is. I then walk towards the center of the attention in this majestic land. As I get closer, Naraku turns around as he senses my presence. When I see his eyes I almost stop in my track, but I regain my composure and wave to him. He smiles.

"Guess I made it earlier than last time huh?" I say as I stop in front of him.

"Yes, the sun is still setting. Nice to see you again." He says.

"Ya, nice seeing you again too. Thanks for being here this time. Were you waiting long?" I ask him.

"No, I practically live here remember?" He replies with a subtle smile.

"Right, how did I forget. Oh good news, Atamashi flew in the air today." I say taking out Atamashi and handing him to Naraku.

"He did? He must be fully recovered soon." Naraku says smoothing out Atamashi's head.

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