Unity of Two Souls

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After I light up the 5th candle in my room, the space around us becomes dimly lit, giving off a quiet warm atmosphere. My heart is slightly racing, but I tell myself to not be scared and don't back away. I want this, I want Naraku. I take a deep breath and I turn around to face Naraku, he's facing the door with his back to me. His long wavy black hair reflecting the orange candle light, he's still, but I can see his shoulders rising and falling as he breathes. I walk over to him, I gently take his cool hand into mine, Naraku lifts his head up and turns slightly to look at me. His vivid red eyes shining brighter than the ruby themselves, I turn him slightly so he's facing me. His brows are furrowed, he still looks worried. He lifts his free hand and holds my face.

"Do you really want this? I could hurt you." Naraku says softly.

"I do, the pain that comes with this intimacy is nothing compared to a stab wound. I can handle it, I'm not a little girl anymore. If I'm not afraid, then you shouldn't be either. You're a demon, being afraid or worries doesn't suit you. The only thing is, do you want this as much as I do?" I ask him again.

Without saying anything, Naraku leans in and captures my lips in his. I can feel longing in the kiss, and I know that he feels the same that I do. He releases my lips and kisses my jawline, his hand still cradling my face. I can feel my cheeks getting warmer, and I can hear my heartbeat through my ears. I look back up at Naraku, his breathing has slightly fastened.

"Of course I do, since I'm still inexperienced, I'm counting on you to guide me." Naraku says.

I feel slightly embarrassed, I a human is going to teach a demon how to make love. Although embarrassed, but I know that it will last forever between us after tonight. I smile and lightly tug on his hand, I back up and I pull Naraku with me, our eyes never losing contact with each other. I back up until both of us are standing on my futon, I pull him to me and Naraku holds me to him with his strong arms. Our faces are just mere centimeters away from each other, I glide my hand along the silk kimono that I once gave him. My breathing becoming heavy with each passing second, my hands finally found his obi and I untie it. I let it drop to the floor, and I turn to the vest that he's wearing. Naraku doesn't say anything and neither do I, only our breathing echoes through the large room. I then grab the rim of the purple vest that he's wearing and I slide it down his shoulders and arms. After I drop the vest to the floor, I look back up at Naraku, his red eyes gazing into mine. Without words, Naraku lifts his hands up and starts to untie my obi. I feel my breathing slightly hitching.

"Are you alright?" He asks me.

"Yes, everything's perfect." I tell him with a smile.

Naraku lets out a subtle smile, he finishes untying my obi, the rustling sound of the silk fabric sliding pass one another fills my senses. After dropping the obi, Naraku's hands slides up my arms. I take a deep breath and start to untie the knots that are holding his upper kimono closed, I feel my mind going blank slightly. We've seen each other bare before, but it was with consideration for one another that day when we took that dip in the stream, but right now, we're removing each other's clothes in a moment of passion and intimacy. After untying the last knot at the bottom of his kimono top, I slide his kimono of his shoulders and listen to it fall onto the ground around our feet. Naraku's eyes never looking away from me, I touch his chest, the skin is like smooth porcelain, fair and flawless. Strong and muscular. I look up at Naraku, his red eyes looking deep into my own, his gaze almost seems as if he's asking for my permission to proceed. I give him a smile and a gentle nod, Naraku's hands then unties my own kimono knots and slides the crimson red silk kimono off of my own two arms. I feel the cool air touching my bare skin and goosebumps rises on the surface of my body, my hair falls over my shoulders. Naraku's hands touches my face, his smooth skin gliding against mine sends shivers through my senses, He delicately lifts my face up to meet his.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now